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Yonggary (1999)

July. 17,1999
| Adventure Fantasy Action Science Fiction

A team of scientists working on a remote dig site find the buried body of an enormous monster, perfectly preserved even after 200 million years. As soon as the beast is uncovered, however, an alien spacecraft suddenly appears above them and brings the monster back to life! The creature immediately sets about levelling the surrounding urban landscape and shrugging off the best firepower the military can throw at it. A lone scientist, working on decrypting an ancient set of hieroglyphics, may be on the verge of finding the aliens' weak point, but will it be too late?


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Julian R. White

Call me bias because I love giant monster films. Not only is this a horrific monster film, it's a horrific film in general. My main issue? The acting. It is absolutely disgusting. I feel like if people off the street who have no acting experience were recruited for this movie, they would have done a million times better than the actors in this film. There is no emotion, there is nothing in the dialogue. Fear should not look as if you are reading a teleprompter. It's despicable. Not only that but the plot jumps all over the place. First Yongary is bad, then hes good fighting some kind of crab thing, then hes bad again? We spend 90% of the movie attacking and trying to kill this thing and now hes all of a sudden the friend to all humanity? Also, if we were under an attack like this, the military would call out more than two helicopters.

Claudio Carvalho

"2001 Yonggary" is one of those films so bad that becomes funny to watch. The plot is a lame combination of "Gozilla" with many sci-fi from the 50 's in an Ed Wood style. The story and the screenplay are ridiculous with the most of the situations dumb and messy. The dialogues are stupid and the characters are incredibly dumb. The acting is awful and the special effects are laughable. The question is how can a producer invest money in this lame mediocrity? My vote is two.Title (Brazil): "Réptil" ("Reptile")


Before I start, this is the first time I commented on a Korean monster film, my previous films I commented were American and Japanese. Now let's begin. The film is a combo between INDEPENDENCE DAY, DESTROY ALL MONSTERS, and the 1998 GODZILLA. No one has ever attempted to do that. Remake a forgotten classic. The miniatures were well done, but the CGI spaceships and monsters, look like something from BEAST WARS. Plus the aliens in the ship, were puppets. Lousy. Yonngary starts out as an atagonist, to a protagonist.Cyker sounds like a POKEMON name. But is a combo between a tortise, and a scorpion. I saw this on the Sci-Fi channel recently. But two years ago, I made Power Point presentation on this film and other Korean monster flicks, like 1967's YONGARY: MONSTER FROM THE DEEP, A*P*E*, PULGASARI, just to name afew. This lead me to high grades, since I decided to do a presintation on something no one has ever seen nor heard of. Does anyone one want a sequel to this movie? Erm (clear throat), no. Zero-Nine Pictures (est. 1993 with the first film, YOUNG-GOO AND DINOSAUR ZUZU) has announced that they are making a film called D-WAR about dragons attacking medival and modern day Korea. It is due out in 2004. But when it will be dubbed in English? I have no idea. Oh well, at least this film won at the 1999 Cannes film festival. Got updated in 2001 as 2001 YONGGARY (US video title REPTILIAN). Cool flick eh?


This is truly a terrible movie. The dialog is beyond cheesy, the special effects might have been cutting edge in the eighties. The acting? Bad! I could go on and on... The thing that got me the most was the classic sci-fi movie blunder: "the city". Rather than try to actually pretend to destroy an existing city they just have a bunch of buildings and call it "the city". The dialog reflects this, such as "The monster is attacking the city" or "If it gets to the city we are done for" or "the aliens are directly over the city". As if there was only one city on the planet.
