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Devil's Canyon

Devil's Canyon (1953)

August. 13,1953
| Drama Action Western Crime

An outlaw woman helps one Arizona convict stop another with a Gatling gun.


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Generally, a limp western. I don't know where they get "Canyon" since this is about the least scenic western on record. In fact, except for a few shots of LA's ugly Bronson Canyon, the story takes place almost entirely on studio sets. It's more like a prison movie than anything western. That might be okay if the story could work up suspense or intensity. But except for a motivated McNally, the movie generally meanders along without generating much of anything. Of course, there's Mayo as eye candy. And since it's Marilyn Monroe 1953, Mayo sports a cantilevered chest and occasional cleavage. And that sets the stage for maybe the biggest stretch of the year. In short, we're supposed to believe she's the only woman imprisoned in the same prison with 500 horny guys. Come on scripters, I'll accept the improbable, but not the nutzoid. At least, the lengthy supporting cast features familiar faces from that era, including a folksy Hunnicutt for comedy relief and a bulldog-faced Flippen for general nastiness. But please, couldn't someone wake Robertson from his general walk- through stupor. Looking like a young Clark Gable is simply not enough. At least the Technicolor makes the visuals somewhat watchable, but 3-D effects appear nowhere in evidence. From the title, I was expecting at least a 3-D avalanche in my lap.Anyway, I get no pleasure from mocking this dud, but a 90-minute dud it unfortunately is.


This routine oater sees eye-catching Virginia Mayo aiding a gang of outlaws in a small desert town by helping to arrange a massive jailbreak. It's a strictly by-the-numbers affair, featuring characters segregated into either the good or bad, and a particular cheapness to the sets. RKO Pictures were well known for churning out low budget programmer after low budget programmer and DEVIL'S CANYON is a good example of their 'shoot fast for a quick buck' mentality.The movie features a number of notable character actors from the era, including Whit Bissell, Morris Ankrum and Irving Bacon, but only Dale Robertson, as the upstanding hero, is given much of a character, while Mayo seems to be relegated to the role of clothes horse for much of the running time.Things do pick up with a couple of decent shoot-outs and an elaborate, large-scale climax which doesn't disappointment, but by the looks of it the gimmicky 3D fails to make much, if any, of an impact other than in the opening titles.

Michael O'Keefe

This grim sagebrush drama is about a clash between inmates at a 1890s Arizona prison. Dale Robertson is the ex-marshal that finds himself behind bars for killing two men in self defense. Virgina Mayo is the love interest and maybe best thing about the movie. Also in the cast are: Stephen McNally, Robert Keith and Earl Holliman. Typically predictable western.


Another 50's style western. Boring and very stereotypical of that decade. My vote of 3 says it all. My pet peeve? Why are the gunfighters depicted as being so good with their Colt .45's that they can shoot them from the hip area with great accuracy? And watch closely or you will miss what I call "bullet flinging". This is where the barrel of the revolver is brought straight up between shots and the gunfighter flings the barrel in the direction of the target as he squeezes off that accurate round. I shoot targets with a .357 magnum revolver, 9mm auto, and .40 auto, and I have yet to even hit the outer ring doing that. But ignore all that I have said if you are bored and just need something to do. I only watched because I have always liked Dale Robertson.
