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The Killer Is Not Alone

The Killer Is Not Alone (1975)

January. 01,1975
| Drama Horror

Julio, an only child belonging to a wealthy family, murders a prostitute who tries to seduce him. He, in childhood, suffered severe trauma and this causes serious problems with women. Because of this, runs away and stays in a boarding house in Madrid, where he meets Monica, the daughter of the owner, who maintains relationships that seek to build on for help in their desperate situation. As his obsession for killing is increasing.


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The Spanish, of course, could never quite do the giallo the way the Italians could, but this example is a real let down. Its a particular shame because this is a bright, colourful print with good subtitles, but oh dear! Mr. Duenas was, apparently, more used to making documentaries and he certainly shows here a distinct lack of skill in directing a thriller. The main premise of the film also makes things very difficult from the very start. Our hero/killer has suffered some traumatic childhood event, and he gets flashbacks, as do we, when he is kissed by a woman. Unfortunately we have to believe that all these women find him so attractive, when he spends his time cringing and sneering. Maybe and just maybe because most Spanish guys are so macho that the ladies find this child like reluctance endearing? I don't know but its no good for us and for the first time ever in one of these movies we never actually get the reveal on what really caused the problem! I have a hunch that this just might have been cut from this print because of adult/child interaction but I'm probably being generous. Inept.


A troubled young man goes around murdering women who sexually excite him.It's not the most original concept in the world. There have been movies before and since that have dealt with a similar idea. But this Spanish production still registers. It has decent performances and a story that essentially holds up. But more importantly it has a good sense of style. The killer's inner turmoil is shown by flashbacks, close-ups of eyes and eerie music. In the murder scenes all of these elements kick in together and are well executed. Generally speaking, it's a well photographed film, with nice exterior shots of various Spanish locales and great detail of a religious festival incorporated into the story which adds good additional atmosphere. The killer's obsession with women's shoes also adds a further fetishtic detail; similarly, images and sounds of trains add additional material that recalls his past trauma. The music varies from cheesy Spanish pop to atmospheric glockenspiel and piano driven pieces.It's a psychological thriller with some slasher violence. It's more interested in setting an atmosphere that glorifying in bloody mayhem though. Overall, it works pretty well. It's a stylish film and the Spanish feel to it adds a lot to the aesthetic. Definitely a movie that deserves to be more widely seen.
