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Teefa in Trouble

Teefa in Trouble (2018)

July. 20,2018
| Drama Action Comedy Crime

Teefa goes to Poland to get Anya to Pakistan to marry Butt gangster's son but lands up in trouble with Anya's gangster father and the Polish police.


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Promos of Teefa in Trouble looked promising, but in turn was rather stale and I was very disappointed. I had watched quite a few Pakistani movies in the past and this is one of the weakest movie I came across. Ali Zafar is one the most promising entertainer, I would mention from Pakistan. He being the lead and the producer of the movie just paid attention towards the glamour quotient in the picture and did not bother to care about the story and script of the movie. Plot orbits around a crook Teefa (Zafar) who is sent by a gangster to Poland to kidnap Anya (Maya Ali) and bring her to Pakistan. The gangster wants to marry Anya to his son, Anya happens to be the daughter of his best friend (Javed Sheikh). In the process Teefa falls for Anya. This leads him in trouble with Anya's father, Poland police and the gangster in Pakistan. How he gets himself out from all this misfortune is the whole description.The highlight of the movie is its cinematography, the scenic locations in Poland is captured brilliantly. The music suits the mood of the movie.Presence of so many loopholes in the screenplay makes Teefa in Trouble tedious to watch. The climax is stretched like a chewing gum. The guy who plays Teefa's friend despite trying too hard is not at all hilarious but aggravating. Movie allows a reasonable stimulus from Bollywood . Acting part, Ali Zafar takes most of the screen time and is average but go overboard in some scenes. Maya Ali looks beautiful and does a decent act but needs to work on her expressions. Javed Sheikh the most experienced actor in the movie is at his run-of-the-mill average. Rest cast is ordinary but loud. Considering this being publicized as one of the costliest and highly commercial Pakistani movie and might earn good at the box office is still a substandard. I had watched better Pakistani movies in the past. This movie is a huge let down and does not work due to a wafer thin plot and outdated treatment. Director Ahsan Rahim and producer Zafar if had paid more attention on screenplay and script the movie could have been better.Bottom-line the flick does not live up to the hype and hoopla surrounding it.


What positives this movie has; 1-A good cast, brilliant acting all around, with adorable characters. 2-Beautiful scenery from Lahore and Poland 3-Decent comedy 4-No vulgarity (rare in movies now a days), so you can watch with your family. What goes against this movie; 1-Most of the action scenes are just laughable 2-Music is forgettable, except last song 3-Editing is very poor. Showing different loco-motives/trains in same scene.Conclusion:- a basic/ typical Pakistani formula film with a tiny twist in the end. If you are NOT going to watch a classic movie, you will enjoy it.


Go to the cinema hall, watch this movie and come out amazed! This movie was beyond my expectations. It left me flabbergasted, it left me pleasantly surprised, it left me feeling proud!! Guys I'm warning you... Don't miss this flick for anything. Go and watch it on the big screen with your friends and family immediately! It won't be in cinemas forever!


It took them 2 years to make this? I mean seriously? Pathetic plot, same old lame comedy and nothing new other than this was Ali Zafar's first movie in Pakistan. I do support Pakistan cinema, but we have to criticize such content so that the makers are discouraged to repeat it in the future.
