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The Stranglers of Bombay

The Stranglers of Bombay (1960)

May. 01,1960
| Horror Thriller Crime

In 1826 British-ruled India, the secret Cult of Thugee demonstrates their worship of their goddess, Kali, by the mutilation and mass murder of thousands of Indians while pirating the shipments of the British East-Indian Tea Company. As the British military leaders play down the implications of the piracy and disappearances, a lone captain realizes that they are not just coincidence and sets out to uncover the source of the deviltry, at the risk of his career. Based on history.


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Filmed in 'Strangloscope!' no less 'The Stranglers of Bombay' is a Hammer film directed by their usual director Terence Fisher about the historical Thugee cult in India. People and goods have been going missing from caravan trails and the officers of the East India company are worried. That is Colonel Henderson and the merchants are worried about the goods but Captain Harry Lewis is more worried about the missing people, overwhelmingly Indian. He comes to realise that devotees of the goddess Kali are responsible and begins to track them down. It is an entertaining film that gallops along to a good (but rushed ending) taking in murder, gore, suspense and excitement. Guy Rolfe is solid as Captain Lewis and George Pastell scarily convincing as the High Priest of Kali. They are supported well by Allan Cuthbertson, Andrew Cruickshank, Jan Holden and Marne Maitland (who actually was born in India.) Splendid support is also given to the frontally blessed Marie Devereux, thankfully. In minor parts are Roger Delgado and Warren Mitchell. Hammer regulars James Bernard provides an excellent musical score and Roy Ashton supplies suitably effective make-up. Good use is made of English locations and perhaps it might have been better in colour? Possibly,Apparently a few minutes were cut from the film though the 76 minute version I saw was adequate. There is supposedly more Marie Devereux and more mongoose/snake footage which is a shame as I think you can never have enough mongoose scenes in a film.

Scott LeBrun

In 19th Century India, a vicious cult dubbed the Thuggees is terrorizing their own countrymen, robbing and killing with impunity. Harry Lewis (Guy Rolfe), a captain with the East India Company, knows that there's a problem. He's noted the mass disappearances of citizens over time, but his superior officer (Andrew Cruickshank) doesn't take him seriously. Harry gets personally involved when his faithful servant, Ram Das (Tutte Lemkow), goes missing while in search of his brother.Hammer stalwart Terence Fisher directs with his customary efficiency. Fisher keeps the entertaining story moving along nicely, taking advantage of the exotic setting and creating some truly wonderful atmosphere. Many of the popular Hammer talents strut their stuff, including the cinematographer, Arthur Grant, who shoots "The Stranglers of Bombay" in beautiful widescreen black & white. Bernard Robinson also works wonders with the production design. Written by David Zelag Goodman ("Straw Dogs", "Logan's Run", "Eyes of Laura Mars"), this is a reasonably absorbing adventure. Some viewers might take offence at the portrayal of the Thuggee cult (just as people did when "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" came along 25 years later). But the suspense is undeniable at times and it's cute to see a mongoose play a part in the action when Lewis's life is threatened by a cobra. It's a truly chilling moment when Ram Das is murdered in cold blood by someone close to him.Excellent performances are a real plus. Rolfe is a highly engaging hero, and among the other Hammer repertory players here, George Pastell shines. Pastell has one of his most substantial roles as the villainous High Priest of Kali. Allan Cuthbertson is amusing as the arrogant, ineffective Captain Connaught-Smith. Marne Maitland, Paul Stassino, Roger Delgado, John Harvey, Warren Mitchell, Michael Nightingale, Ewen Solon, and David Spenser all do fine jobs in their respective roles.Some viewers may also be put off by the rather vivid violence, but this film still sizes up as an agreeable diversion for Hammer fans.Seven out of 10.


THE STRANGLERS OF BOMBAY is one of Hammer's last black-and-white movies but, being set in the exotic locales of 19th-century India, it really needs some colour to liven it up. As it stands it's a rather lifeless and stagy affair, clearly hampered by a low budget and an almost singular lack of action, incident and spectacle. Hammer would later do the whole pulp adventure type format much better with the likes of the truly gripping TERROR OF THE TONGS.The story sees the British East India Company finding themselves menaced by sinister members of a thuggee cult with a predilection for strangulation. Said cult members are headed by the memorably zany George Pastell, whose role seems to have provided inspiration for Spielberg in INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM. Watch out for an uncredited Roger Delgado (DR WHO's Master) as an evil henchman and Marie Devereux as a mute but arresting thuggee follower.All this is fair enough, but the film really lets itself down when it comes to the lifeless characters. Guy Rolfe's heroic leading man is adequate, but way too much screen time is given over to the stuffy character Allan Cuthbertson plays. The whole narrative stagnates for minutes on end only to be rushed when it comes to the climax. STRANGLERS OF BOMBAY has promise at times, but with the pedigree behind it (such as Terence Fisher's direction) it should have been a lot better than it actually is.


The Stranglers of Bombay is out of Hammer Film Productions. It's directed by Terence Fisher and written by David Zelag Goodman. It stars Guy Rolfe, Jan Holden, Andrew Cruickshank, George Pastell, Marne Maitland and Paul Stassino. Music is by James Bernard and cinematography by Arthur Grant.For hundreds of years there existed in India a perverted religious sect, dedicated to the wanton destruction of human life....So secret was this savage cult that even the British East Indian Company, rulers of the country at the time, was unaware of their existence....So it begins, a compact and often violent retelling of the Thuggee Cult in India in the 1820s. It was considered strong stuff back on release and had the head suits at the BBFC shifting uneasily in their office chairs. It's a film that has also fallen unfairly into the realm where political correctness dwells, where some folk are seemingly obsessed with decrying old movies for their outdated political portrayals. This deserves better, for it's a very good script, where although the history is difficult to pin down as being correct, it does at least show a care and attention to detail where the Thugee Cult is concerned.It's also a good old adventure yarn, full of intrigue, peril and detective work. Fisher directs at a clip, never allowing the plot to stagnate, and the low budget afforded the project is barely evident amongst some very effective sets. Cast are mostly good value for money, with lead players Rolfe perfectly restrained as an officer desperately trying to be heard and Pastell owning the film as the High Priest of Kali; in fact he is revelling in the bad guy role. Bernard provides an ear banging effective musical accompaniment.Torture, maiming, heroics and a clever mongoose, something for everyone here! 7/10
