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Bitten (2008)

June. 29,2008
| Horror Action Comedy Thriller

A lovelorn paramedic rescues a woman left for dead after a deadly assault. When she refuses to go to the hospital, he takes her in, nurses her back to health and soon falls in love with her. Before long the mysterious woman suffers withdrawal symptoms, leaving the paramedic to believe his newfound love is a drug addict. Coming home to find a blood-drained corpse on his floor, he learns she does indeed have an addiction problem but it's not to drugs...


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Down on his luck night shift paramedic Jack's (an excellent and engaging performance by Jason Mewes) heretofore miserable lot in life seems to perk up after he meets and falls for lovely and mysterious young lady Danika (a fine and appealing portrayal by insanely foxy brunette Erica Cox). The only problem is that Danika turns out to be a deadly and insatiable vampire. Director Harv Glazer, working from a quirky and witty script by Tyler Levine and Tim McGregor, relates the engrossing oddball story at a steady pace, milks the hysterically funny sense of cheerfully rude'n'raunchy humor for plenty of belly laughs, maintains a likably offbeat tongue-in-cheek tone, and delivers several sidesplitting moments of inspired pitch-black comedy. Moreover, Glazer also wrings some pathos out of the doomed central toxic romance and makes a valid point that there's only so far a person can go for another person. The often foul-mouthed dialogue manages to be hilariously profane throughout. Mewes and Cox make for for winning leads, with Cox in particular a definite stand-out with her sympathetic characterization as the sweet, yet lethal Danika. Richard Fitzpatrick lends terrific support as Jack's boorish, jolly, and concerned buddy Roger. Simon Shohet's sharp cinematography expertly uses shadowy lighting to striking stylish effect. As a tasty extra plus, the delectable Mrs. Cox bears her blazing hot body with pleasing regularity. A real hoot.


Boy looses girl, boy meets vampire girl, boy "feeds" girl, boy wonders what the heck he's doing. We've seen it all before folks, nothing new here, but we've seen it done better.I've pretty much summed up the entire plot above, so there really isn't much more to add. This movie tries hard to be a comedy/horror and fails in both parts. There are no thrills/chills or really scary scenes (except perhaps to a 5 year old), the attempts at humor are all bathroom grade (literally, as one character has IBS and constantly talks about his bowel movements). Of course their is gratuitous nudity to keep the straight male audience at least somewhat interested.I've seen a hell of a lot worse movies in my horror watching career. So although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, I wouldn't say stay away at all costs.


Although is not a top movie, "Bitten" is sure worth watching.. It is a low budget movie but is hardcore of a movie which i enjoyed.. The actors are all superb and very professional in their work. Erica Cox is the beautiful vampire in the movie sure you would love to be bitten.. It exaggerates in a way the beautiful women of our times... Having a hell whole a lot of your everything in life.. This is first time i am seeing Jason Mewes in a lead role.. I think he is good as usual and has this charisma to lead a movie from beginning to end.. Mewes has always an attraction for his "naive" pure/real character where you can distract even from his acting performance.. In the movie he is a working class guy trying to be good and have a meaning in his life.. a woman, a family till he meets the vampire ! The movie as a production has this naive and amateur texture which you feel home.. Well.. can be a classic in my book.. I like it!..

Lucien Lessard

A young paramedic by the name of Jack (Jason Mewes) suffered from his last relationship. He works night with his only middle-age perverter buddy (Richard Fitzpatrick). Jack meets a woman (Erica Cox) from a dumpster and helps her. Which this mysterious woman lost of a lot of blood. He cleans her up and falls in love with her. But this attractive woman isn't what she seems to be. She is actually a vampire. He decides to pick up lowlifes from the streets to feed her but soon enough... it gets out of hand.Directed by Harvey Glazer (Kickin It Old Skool) made an interesting if not entirely successful black comedy/horror film. There's a few effective moments here and there. Mewes and Cox do well with their performances. The odd moments of dark humour doesn't always works but it later improves, when the story finally gets better. Although the conclusion could have been much stronger. Cox certainly looks great with her odd eye contacts, being topless half of the time and even with her face covered in blood. Worth a look, especially if you are a fan of Mewes. (*** ½/*****).
