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The Odd Squad

The Odd Squad (1982)

January. 01,1982
| Comedy

Sicilia 1943, after the landing, between the invading Us army and the defender Italian army, a 2000 years old roman bridge resist to all kind of attacks. Both the army decides to definitively destroy it before the opponent does. But to the chaotic mad American platoon is opposed an Italian military band exchanged for a terrible special commando. Probably the bridge will survive another 2000 years!


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Michael A. Martinez

Well, I probably ain't telling you too much new since the other reviews have thoroughly slammed this dreadful war comedy with no war and no comedy... just a bunch of stupid characters in G.I. uniforms running around stupid. Though the ending has a couple amusing bits, this film is all-round laugh-free with the awful attempts at comedy coming right away. Also it's completely historically inaccurate, with Americans up against Italian soldiers on mainland Italy and no mention of Germans anywhere (even though the Italy was knocked out of the Axis (and the war) by the time the Americans were fighting their way up the mainland.What should be noted though is that Franco Micalizzi's music is really good - one of his best non-crime movie scores. I actually thought it's a better score than he made for his previous war film of the decade, THE LAST HUNTER.It's actually a lot like THE GREATEST BATTLE, maybe a bit better, and it's a thumping and attention-grabbing score, but doesn't belong in an awful film like this.The cast is also a real pleaser - like Bobby Rhodes as a narcoleptic soldier, Ivan Rassimov in a silly Indian wig, Giuliano Gemma, Sal Borgese and Riccardo Pizzuti re-teamed after THE BATTLE OF EL ALAMEIN as Italian soldiers, plus Vincent Gardenia, Jacques Herlin, Mickey Knox, Johnny Dorelli, Jackie Baseheart (a sad step down from THE INGLORIOUS BASTARDS), and even the razor-wielding psycho from WOMEN'S PRISON MASSACRE, Pierangelo Pozzato, as a random US officer... while you say Potato, I say POZZATO. Actually, his role is quite disappointing in this film.However, be very very warned. The comedy in this film is dreadful beyond the point where even Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill could scarcely imagine.


This is a Z-grade italian MASH knockoff which tries to bill itself as a mindless sex comedy set in WWII. It's mindless alright, but with zero sex and totally inept comedy. You will really have to work to get through the first hour of this and by the end you'll wonder why you even bothered. Almost unwatchable.


I came across this film at a video store. It used the American Title of the Odd Squad. It deals with story of a group of American soldiers who must protect a bridge in Italy during WW2. 10 minutes into it and you will be wishing that the Axis would walk in and re-enact Private Ryan on this bumbling group of fools. A terrible film. Avoid it at all costs.


This turkey was made into a VHS cassette in Canada. Beware! There are no redeeming features in this movie. The box misrepresents it as a sexy, hilarious comedy, sort of like MASH. It isn't. The script is stupid, the acting is wooden, and the single "sexy" scene was inserted to attract viewers, which it shouldn't. Did Vincent Gardenia really need the money badly enough to make this bomb? Viewers who can stay awake will note that some of the dialogue is in Italian and has been dubbed. Whew!
