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Supernatural Activity

Supernatural Activity (2012)

October. 31,2012
| Drama Comedy

The world's most beloved illusionist, armed with his team of oxymoron’s, embark on the freakiest, most adventurous paranormal investigation of all time. Terrorized at every turn by an unexplainable irregular patterns of mysterious paradox’s, this witch-hunting, ghost busting, creature questing supernatural spooftacular is the funniest footage ever found!


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Found footage films also interest me, but regardless of the state of the budget I was at least expecting to see something that I could deem as worthwhile. Supernatural Activity is a film so bad that you have to look very long and hard to actually find anything to redeem it. The idea was sort of interesting so I'll give the movie that, but that is it. Even though I wasn't expecting for Supernatural Activity to look like high art, I was not expecting it to look as ghastly as it did. Choppy editing, un-atmospheric and obvious lighting, a setting that has been seen a thousand times before and better and shoddy effects are the anti-thesis of good movie making. The story is largely incoherent, first it is spoofing Paranormal Activity and then without warning it changes to spoofing The Excorcism of Emily Rose. Aside from it being dull and having no surprises or genuine shocks- any scares are done in such a predictable way- at all, the sudden change from one spoofing of one movie to another, the lack of explanation for the film crew following Dealer's Crew and the incorporation of the end lines from Blade Runner all suggest that Supernatural Activity and the writers were running out of ideas. Don't expect a good semblance of a script either, it is full to the brim with rubbish jokes that are not funny at all and the rest is just aimless filler. Also go and look for another movie if you are looking for characters to care for, Supernatural Activity brings almost every character stereotype it could find and makes the characters obnoxious with no adherence to any kind of characterisation. The acting is just terrible, with Andrew Pozza embarrassingly mugging his way through his role. All in all, truly abominable, film-making of the worst possible kind. 0/10 Bethany Cox


Absolutely diabolical. SUPERNATURAL ACTIVITY is a dead-headed spoof of the 'found footage' horror film, complete with all the obvious nods to THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, PARANORMAL ACTIVITY and THE LAST EXORCISM that you can imagine. It's worse than even the SCARY MOVIE series, and those films are pretty awful to begin with.The only reason I watched this is that I like 'found footage' films, so I got most of the references. The only spoofs I like watching are the old Leslie Nielsen ones, as they occasionally possess wit and inspiration among the silliness. SUPERNATURAL ACTIVITY doesn't.It's dumb, offensive and extremely childish, written by and starring an absolutely obnoxious individual (Andrew Pozza) who has zero idea of what constitutes comedy; mugging and shouting at the camera is not the answer. Maybe I had a sense of humour bypass, but I didn't laugh once. Not once. Didn't even crack a smile. Yes, this film really is that worthwhile, cheap and stupid.

Sean Palmqvist

The story line is very original as well as the acting. I don't really know how to put it in any other statement that would be passable. Even if this is a spoof it could have been done a lot more better. With more thought, planning and patience perhaps this would have delivered a better punch. I question though how movies such as this one can be released. I am sure that it is not a matter of budget seeing that a lot of movies with extremely low budgets can pull off something that is passable. With some extra patience and really going through all the details of the script would make a huge difference not to mention the impression it will have on the viewers. If some scenes do not feel right then they should be re-shot. In a nutshell this movie just wasn't really viewable.


I think the one thing that must be remembered about this movie is that it is intended to be stupid with a nonsense type of funny motif. Having said that, no it wasn't the best spoof movie, but for what it was, it was decent. I mean it did start off pretty weird, but after I realized what type of movie it was, I understood why it was actually decent.Would I watch this movie again, probably, only because of the violent scenes between the girlfriend and the boyfriend, and the overall mindless mood that the movie puts you in.Overall I did like this movie, the actors were a little weird, but it was a pretty funny movie and I think that it a lot of people won't understand it, because of what we're used to, but remember, it is a B-Movie.
