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Side Effects

Side Effects (2005)

March. 07,2005
| Drama Comedy Romance

America! Built on a better pill. Karly Hert has spent the last ten years selling drugs. Legally, that is. Karly is a pharmaceutical sales representative. She sells pills to doctors. She makes lots of money. She has a company car. She has a nice fat expense account. But there's a growing pit in Karly's stomach. Something isn't right behind the scenes at big pharma. Based on the director's decade working directly for the industry.


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I'm still in shocked, wondering how come a movie can be so horrible done. This movie has good intentions. Trying to open people's eyes is always a good thing. But that's about it. Good intentions.The movie follows the story about a young woman who finds herself into the world of the pharmaceutical industry, while trying to maintain her ideals and integrity.20 minutes into the film, and you'll be already laughing at how bad is this movie. Sub plots coming out of nowhere, bad acting performances, lack of rhythm, no direction whatsoever, painfully edited, sometimes shots are even out of focus …. I can go on forever. Katherine Heigl tries to put something out of nothing, but that's just not enough.I've rated a 3/10, only because of the good intentions of the film and a plus point for Katherine Heigl.


I loved it. My wife loved it. My daughter loved it. Pretty seldom we can say that.It was a good story. It had the conflicted love affair cliché going on but this actually seemed relevant for once. I think the main thing that I liked about it is that it opened a window into the world of the drug rep – and from my personal experiences it seemed to be an accurate portrayal.I saw some previous comments that less than perfect production and plot holes marred the film. Well, go make your own movie then.For the rest of us who never really noticed the jump-cut in Taxi Driver, rent the film, put some popcorn in the microwave, open a bottle of wine and pop a few Viagra for afters!


I read some posts about the movies budget. what I can say is that this is an extraordinary movie with "soul" in it , and that effect , i doubt , wouldn't get that intense with 10 million dollar budget. The cameras , actors , sets may be awful , besides from Katherine Heigl who does perform Professionaly as can be. she makes the movie fun and very enjoyable to watch , so does the "documentary" style of filming this motion picture. The story is quite interesting and took me behind the scenes of how companies may work , opened my mind at made me think of all money lovers that ain't caring about anything else than the smell of a dollar-bill - and that sucks terrible. As said , i loved every frame of this film , and its Ten out of Ten for its originality , Katherine Heigl , the scores and again , its low budget That made this film so great as it is. After seeing movies that cost more than a country is worth , I thought i wouldn't like this one , but it gave me the opposite feeling . Took me 2 minutes to see that -OMG - this is one interesting flick ; not the usual thousands-of-hours-making-one-scene-film , i got stuck immediately. I will personally tell my friends about this movie , to give it a chance. Well , i think i got what got in my mind here , I beg pardon for my English , correct my errors , and please give me your idea about low-budget films that are really good like this one is. Thank you kindly - Take care , and last but not least :WATCH MOVIES :))))))


A clever film, well scripted with creativity and humor. Actors did a great job, particularly lead actress, Katherine H. Also includes a well meshed soundtrack. Only critique was in the editing and technical issues:. . . some love scenes seemed uncomfortably long even though there was good chemistry. One or two scenes seemed superfluous and at one point the sound of feet shuffling through leaves was louder than the conversation between the actors. Side Effects is an important film with a strong message . . . I hope lots of people will get the chance to see it.
