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The Seniors

The Seniors (1978)

June. 30,1978
| Comedy

Four college seniors open a bogus sex clinic, which unexpectedly mushrooms into a multi-million dollar business. Featuring a young Dennis Quaid in one of his earliest roles and Alan Reed (the original voice of Fred Flintstone) in his final film appearance.


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Rainey Dawn

It is easy to see why this film ended up in the public domain and is pretty much an unwatched film anymore. I'm sure this one fell flat in 1978, even worse today.Believe it or not they actually made one heckuva boring movie about horny college kids. It's not funny, it's not interesting, it's not cute, it's not heartwarming, nor is it sexy - it's nothing but a big bore.I'm sure this film has a fandom out there, my guess all guys because there are some cute girls in it with mostly ugly boys doing nothing. Male viewers will just stare at the girl that pops up in the film every-so-often I'm sure.1/10


It's the only movie I can think of that has both a mainframe AND boobies. If they remade this movie today, the part where the magnetic thing lifts the car over the water would be made a lot more scarier; you'd be hanging on the edge of your seat instead of laughing at these characters who act like the 3 stooges. And the crazy scientist was hilarious. Each time his assistant comes into the lab, he calls him something like fellow Caucasian, Anglo-Saxon friend, or North American native.Good campy fun. Silly lines. Look for it at a truck stop near you.


This movie was absolutely hilarious. Yeah, it didn't make an overabundance of a lot of sense, but I laughed until I shot various fluids through my nose. The only bad part of the movie is when they get philosophical for about 8/10ths of a second towards the very end. Other than that, this film is pure hilarity. Dennis Quaid is brilliant in this film in ways I cannot describe in human language. For the inevitable bit of pretension, I see this movie as a wonderful mockery of the educational and corporate structures that make up our great society. To return to reality, it's a great sex comedy/satire that could only have hit screens in the late great 1970's. Go see it now!


Horny college boys setting up a phony sex clinic in order to meet girls could've been the basis for a fairly funny movie. Unfortunately, this one isn't it. It doesn't even have the saving grace that '80s movies of the same genre had--completely gratuitous nudity. Priscilla Barnes gets naked (well, topless anyway) for a moment, and a few other nameless "actresses" do, but that's about it. Has a few funny moments, but not nearly enough to make it worth sitting through. It has a better than usual cast for this type of movie, but they don't have much to do. Director Rod Amateau made a bunch of these types of movies, but he hasn't learned how to make a good one yet. Don't waste your time or your money on this dog.
