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Bloodlust Zombies

Bloodlust Zombies (2011)

July. 05,2011
| Horror Comedy

A military weapons manufacturer creates a chemical weapon that causes victims to become blood-lusting killers. A lab accident causes the building to go into lock-down and the employees are trapped inside with the crazed killers.


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TERRY Goerhe

The only reason this film is getting 1 star is because there is no option for 0 stars.Do not waste any time watching this movie, the performances are just horrendous, script is just 'eugh'. Sometimes I wonder why people decide to even make films like this and waste $75k. I understand Alexis Texas is supposed to be a famous porn star no offense but she should stick to that industry. There are two reasons someone might watch this; 1. To inflict self torture. 2. To put themselves to sleep.I know this review is harsh and I probably would not have wrote this review but I feel it is my duty to humanity to prevent innocents souls from being inflicted with the torture that is 'Bloodlust Zombies'.


Alright before I get into the various things that are wrong in this video... I emphasize video... I think the only thing that was a positive is Lauren Todd. (it wasn't a big positive but for not having any credits to her name, i thought she was kind of funny and do hope to see her in more films) She played the temp in case you don't know the name. With that said, wow... trash. It's a cheap movie which is a fact that is abundantly clear given the security control room is clearly also an editing suite. (you can see the multichannel sound board and an AVID keyboard as well as what looks like a waveform or vectorscope... not entirely sure which) This is supposed to be a high tech/high security facility for a group that develops chemical weapons for the military, so why are all the rooms painted like a fun house? One scene contains a red wall, a blue wall, a yellow wall and a white wall. The acting is bad but if you look closely, you may understand why they all looked absolutely lost through the whole film. The director, Dan Lantz, was also an actor, also the writer, also the director of photography and producer. It's pretty clear to me that it's hard to give actors the attention needed to get decent performances when you're time is split between 5 different jobs. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other jobs he's not credited for that he was doing. Is that an excuse? no, but it explains a lot. Large sections of the film is chattering between characters who reveal nothing and progress the story in no way at all. (temp talking to the sex hound guy) (alexis Texas talking to the boss lady)... In fact, no one seems all that worried about the impending death that awaits them so you don't ever feel bad when they die and when they don't, you're upset. I get that this is supposed to be jokey and fun but the jokes fall to pieces really quick. Lighting is bad, the music is ridiculous, editing is awful. The nudity is tasteless and forced in so much that it makes you wonder why the director/writer/actor/director of photography etc didn't just skip the story and have a 20 minute video of girls running around topless. (I guess one has to justify the nudity with story) The writing is bad enough it seems like it was written as the film was going with only a loose premise holding it all together. If movies are made with the idea that it will probably be bad one has to beg the question, why are you making it at all? And if you're going to make a "zombie" movie, they have to be zombies, not mutants. So in the credits, don't list the cast as ZOMBIES/MUTANTS.... I give it 2, 1 because it's the lowest I can go, and the second because I think Lauren Todd was alright....


Just created an account to say: (sorry about the poor review) This movie is crap. This is the kind of movie that you want to see because is so awful that is funny to see how they constantly fail in various attempts to copy some great movies scenes, some classic scenes, the WHOLE acting and the camera angles and movements. Finally i decided this movie worth to watch because this will perfectly teach you what is am horrible horrible (x100) movie in all aspects... (sorry about my poor English) ;) (i don't know about the director but i really hope this is his first movie because is a big and heavy learned from my fail... and if that phrase works he will turn 180 degrees in his work....

Johnny Chicago

I can't really see, other than the awful camera angles and even worse acting, where they spent any of the $75,000 budget on this "film".This piece of cinematic garbage reminds me of most porn I've seen "professionally" made since the 1990's - very little substance, horrible props, stock footage, cheesy acting, and the worst soft-core grinding I've viewed since the old Cinemax movies of the early 1990's.I think that since they secured the talents of Alexis Texas, porn "actress", they figures they had something to work on here. The majority of the cast have come from many other low-budget disasters and their acting chops are, let's just say, something to be desired.Boardroom scenes in mainstream movies always look intimidating, or so in your face, the scenes here made me laugh the most - and who has cobalt blue plastic flutes sitting around for domestic champagne? To tell you any of the plot would give away pretty much everything, so I won't - let's just say if you were to take the movies Outbreak, 30 Days Later, Shaun Of The Dead and a few pieces of softcore stuff and toss them into a blender, strip them of any budget and then pour it into a DVD this would be the result.Shoddy production values, a script with plots so old you can see the whip marks from where the last 10 owners had whipped it, combined with the "acting" talents of Alexis Texas (with the only thing she's good at: stripping down and showing off T&A) and you have a movie with worse viewing appeal than Poseidon, Waterworld and Gigli combined - and will have much less people wanting to watch this for anything except the floppy tiny "talents" of Alexis Texas.God, what a stupid stripper name... at least everyone else in this turkey is using their 'real' names... I think...Avoid this at all costs, no matter what they pay you to watch it for.
