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Schlock (1973)

March. 01,1973
| Horror Comedy Science Fiction

A quiet suburb in Southern California is terrorized by a mysterious murderous monster living in a cave. As the bodies pile up -- with incriminating banana peels always near by the crime scene -- a group of teens stumble on the guilty party: a 20-million-year-old Schlockthropus, an ape-like creature with a sense of the absurd.


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This movie did something to me, something subversive. (I can't remember what, exactly, but it was really something.) It was like lighting a bottle rocket, which whooshed up into the air and exploded my sense of humor into a million tiny bits of laughter. To this day, I cannot even THINK of this movie without laughing out loud. Even now, lo these many decades later, just watching the trailer still sends me into full-on crack-up. Looking back, I can clearly see how this film served as a kind of weird initiation that ultimately pointed me in the direction of The Church of the SubGenius™. Praise Bob! (and John Landis also...)Can anybody stop it?


I love this movie. I watched it when I was about 12 and laughed so hard my sides hurt. A movie about a blind girl who is the object of the 'Missing link's' affection and the chaos that ensues. (Pity about the ending... very King Kong) I have to mention some of my favourite parts in this movie, just to indulge myself and bore those who haven't seen it yet.The reporter's face when the old scientist explains terms that contain 'homo-' in them, is classically hilarious and something I will never forget, despite the fact that I saw this movie so long ago.The part when the crowd are standing around the hole where Schlock is believed to be, and Schlock himself joins them all out of curiosity. One lady looks at him and exclaims: "Why don't you get a hair cut? Why don't you get a job?" HILARIOUS!! - The part where Schlock fetches the stick for the blind girl, only to watch her throw it away again. This concept escapes Schlock's logic and he keeps fetching the stick every time she throws it away, wondering what the point is.A big thank you to Landis for starting off my Movie education with such comedy. It's completely stupid and painful to watch! I LOVED IT!!

Lee Eisenberg

In John Landis' directorial debut, he plays a prehistoric gorilla who gets loose and kidnaps a blind woman, thereby making a mess of the entire city. Sound like a nonsense plot? Maybe it is, BUT IT'S SO COOL! Basically a spoof of '50s B-movies, "Schlock" allows everyone to be as silly as they want, with hilarious results. Since Landis is unrecognizable in the gorilla costume, the only cast member whom I recognized was the woman who later played the receptionist at the girls' college in "Animal House" (what's her name?). All in all, "Schlock" is fun from start to finish. You might want to check this movie out if possible. You'll love it.


I suppose I was a little hard on this film. It entertains, indeed, but it's filled with holes and inconsistencies. I suppose if you ignore the aforementioned "holes and inconsistencies" you could get a kick out of this.Childish, ridiculous, at times funny... Goofy, filled with rotten acting (and rotten bananas), bad camera-work, bad colours...It's actually kind of nice to see a pretty well established director's first film and realize it's a total B flick.I like the king kong reference. And the 2001. And the Beauty and the Beast (Cocteau would be proud... either that or roll over in his grave)
