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The Cheerleaders

The Cheerleaders (1973)

March. 01,1973
| Comedy

A group of cheerleaders from the local high school decide to show their school spirit for their football team by sleeping with the opponents the night before the game so that they can be so worn out the opposition won't be able to play.


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Jeannie (the improbably named "Stephanie Fondue") wants to be come a cheerleader and luckily for her, there is an opening. (The first of many openings featured in this film.) She wants to become a cheerleader because she is a virgin (this is improbable) and no teenage boys will have sex with her (this is even more improbable). Luckily for her, she's friends with most of the cheerleader squad, so they help her, and besides that, the head cheerleader wants their new member to be a virgin. (???) Then lots of stuff happens, mostly involving girls getting naked. I don't like this film despite the truly heroic amount of nudity in it for a couple of reasons. First, almost all of the nudity involves people groping at each other with an improbably feral intensity while unflattering body parts occupy the middle of the frame. If you have never seen sex before and watch this film, you will come out of the experience convinced that it's a truly unpleasant experience. Second, the film has a less coherent narrative than "Un Chien Andalou". While many of the actresses in this film seem to have been around the block far too many times for comfort, Ms. Fondue is a real cutey and the highlight of the film. This is the only film she ever made. It turns out she is really Enid Finnbogason from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Small world!


The Cheerleaders is a terrible movie. If you are reading this review, you must be interested in it for the camp value, or because it was made in the 70's.This is a very lowbrow comedy about a girl trying to fit in with the school cheerleading team by losing her virginity. There is a lot of sex and nudity. The main plot point involves the cheerleaders having sex with every member of the high school football team. This leaves the players too exhausted to perform in the big game, so to even it up, the girls find everyone on the opposing team and have sex with them as well.What allowed me to keep watching this all the way to the end was the 70's atmosphere. Yes, this is about as dumb as a movie can get, but it isn't like anything being made today.Similar recommendations: Gas Pump Girls and The Vals.


Aside from horror , 70's sexploitation is my second favorite genre and The Cheerleaders is a real winner in the "so bad it's good " category. This movie has it all , girls that seriously look real young instead of movies where the "highschool" girls are reaching mid 30's these girls look actually 18...hell Stephanie Fondue looks actually 16..it's scary. So we've got raunchy comedic sex , the sex in this movie is more on the bizzare comedic side rather than the hardcore explicit side..this is most notorious in the football orgy , and the memorable sex scene between the cheerleader coach and the blonde on the gym bike while bad classical music plays in the background. The film itself gets boring in some parts that just draaaaaaag...but it has enough sex to keep you interested. This is not for people seeking quality filmaking , or even for hardcore porn fanatics...it's just the perfect popcorn film for late night viewing..Oh I also taped this off The Movie Channel late at night after learning it and Showtime air the complete uncut 84 minute version instead of the reportedly heavily edited video version..so if you want a copy of this until this comes on DVD unedited I suggest making yourself a copy...

Brian Washington

This film was a precursor to the teen sex comedy genre that would become popular a decade later. However, the difference between this film and the latter films is that at least the kids that were in those films would go on to become some of the finest actors that would ever grace the silver and small screens. These bimbos probably think The Actors Studio is an apartment house in west Hollywood. Also, I'm surprised that this film didn't get an X instead of an R. I guess, the fact that no genitalia was shown saved it because there were enough bare breasts in this turkey to make even Russ Meyer blush.
