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The Irish in Us

The Irish in Us (1935)

August. 03,1935
| Comedy Romance

A boxer and his policeman brother feud over a police captain's daughter.


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Quintessential Irish-American movie mother Mary Gordon lives in a hectic apartment with her three "boys": Pat O'Brien is a cop, Frank McHugh is a fireman, and James Cagney— well, Cagney has no real job apparently but he fancies himself a fight manager and is his mother's favorite. It's a sentimental and predictable setup and while the dialog early on is certainly not great, the actors hang in there and make it work —particularly O'Brien and Cagney, who show a knack for taking exchanges that look absolutely awful on the page and giving them real bite: O'Brien: "Say, let me tell you something, there's lots worse things than being a cop." Cagney: "But I don't wanna be a cop!" The plot eventually adds Allen Jenkins as a streetcar conductor Cagney tries to turn into a boxer. Olivia de Havilland is fine as a police commissioner's daughter—she catches O'Brien's eye but Cagney catches hers, causing family complications. It's all pretty dated, I guess, but the picture does pick up steam as Cagney spends more time on the screen, and you'd have to be a hardboiled viewer indeed not to enjoy seeing Cagney suit up and step into the ring himself as an emergency sub when Jenkins gets drunk just before the big fight.... Not a classic but the cast certainly makes this one worthwhile. Also, Allen Jenkins' character has a truly great name: Carbarn Hammerschlog.


This is a simple, but cute, comedy about the O'Hara family, (a mother and her three sons) living together in a New York City apartment. The three live-at-home brothers are: a cop, Pat (Pat O'Brien), a fireman, Mike (Frank McHugh), and an unemployed fight promoter, Danny (James Cagney).Danny is currently promoting his latest discovery, 'Carbarn' (Allen Jenkins). The only problem—or greatest asset—with 'Carbarn' is that he springs into a fight every time he hears a bell ring. But for me, the most entertaining member of the family is Ma O'Hara wonderfully played by Mary Gordon. Pat is in love with the police captain's daughter, Lucille (Olivia de Havilland) and just assumes he is going to marry her. The problem is she doesn't love him that much.


Lifetime best friends James Cagney, Pat O'Brien, Frank Mchugh and other good buddy Allen Jenkins hook up in this rather far fetched punchless comedy about an Irish mother and her three unmarried boys still living at home. I can only imagine the fun the guys had making this picture together, it's a shame it doesn't transfer to the screen.Two of Ma O'Hara's (Mary Gordon) sons have secure jobs as a fireman (McHugh) and cop (O'Brien) while a third (Cagney) is trying to make it as a fight manager with a screw loose pug (Jenkins). When a woman (Olivia DeHaviland) comes between Cagney and O'Brien, the former moves out causing Ma, to fret.The boys all predictably do what's expected of them; Cagney is energized and fast talking, O'Brien brooding and introspective, McHugh elfin, Jenkins punchy. The plot moves from silly to absurd fast and the sentimental tug with strains of When Irish Eyes are Smiling always near by is blatant. DeHaviland as a confident, modern woman seems almost out of place with her cool rational compared to the entire O'Hara clan in a film so dedicated to a target audience the closing credit plays over a shamrock. The Irish in Us is one bowl of lukewarm blarney.


"The Irish in Us" is a fine Cagney venue. He is surrounded by a good supporting cast with Pat O'Brien (Patrick O'Hara), Frank McHugh (Mike O'Hara) and Allen Jenkins (Carbarn Hammerschlog). Olivia de Havilland (Lucille Jackson) gives a solid and steady performance in only her second movie of her career. Veteran actress Mary Gordon (Ma O'Hara) lends a strong presence as the tough but caring Irish mother. The chemistry between the two women is very believable. The boxing scene between Harvey Parry (Joe Delancy), the champ and Cagney is non-stop action packed and shows Cagney at his best. I highly recommend this movie for all.
