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Trailer Park Jesus

Trailer Park Jesus (2012)

March. 30,2012
| Comedy Romance

Jessie deals with a bad breakup, by purchasing a sheet of acid to share with his friends back home in Missouri. He hopes this will erase the bad memory of his college girlfriend, delivering the heartbreaking news to him, during sex. Departing New Orleans, Jessie detours onto Route 61, seeking a change of routine from the monotony of the Interstate. Unexpectedly, his engine fails at a forgotten trailer park in Cleveland, Mississippi. Fearful he's about to be harmed by bikers, Jessie exchanges hits of L.S.D. for safe passage home. During the ebb and flow of the day, Jessie experiences the extraordinary in the pedestrian, whilst resurrecting the lives of many. Inspired by a true misadventure.


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Jessie is a college student who has to deal with one of the worst situations a guy can ever go through; a breakup by your girl while you are being intimate with her. He decides to deal with it by purchasing a sheet of acid to share with his friends back home in Missouri. Hoping this will eradicate the bad memory of the breakup, he heads home to cleanse himself of his predicament and takes a slight detour to have more time to reflect on the events that have turned his world upside down. When he makes a stop at a gas station, he meets some local folk that give him a bit of trouble. When he gets ready to leave, his engine fails at a forgotten trailer park in Cleveland, Mississippi. What happens next is a journey that just gets weirder but contains a barrel full of laughs for the rest of the film.This comedy starts as a misadventure into the backwoods culture of a forgotten place in rural Mississippi he becomes immersed in a culture that was just awkward to him. The journey he takes and the encounters he goes through helps him realize his life isn't as bad as he thinks and his ideas about love are on the right path. As he learns a little bit more about himself, he also helps the people he encounters along the way.The filmmakers say this movie was inspired by true events. The audience can relate to the characters as we have met a version of some of these people one time in our lives. Each of the actors have great chemistry and add to the witty dialog and the director does great things with the remarkable talent. Even as a low budget indie film, the laughs one can pull out of this piece is just something that you can get in most of the studio driven movies these days. The story flows and if you pay attention, you can pull a little bit of a lesson from this film.


I wanted to stop the movie 2-3 times before the 20 minute mark, but the comments here and elsewhere were all really good and I stuck with it and I am glad I did.It was obvious from the beginning that this is a low budget movie, but a story like this wouldn't probably work any other way. Too quirky & stupid really as a concept, but works because of the good intentions. Pulled off well in the end by the director.Writing this for people who are also slightly put off by the slow beginning to tell them to stick with it.Also, I can't believe Danie Coleman hasn't been in more movies. Just too hot.


So in 2002 or so, my friend Jerry was like "Hey, f*** whatever we're doing with life, lets travel around the country, do drugs, and get people to sign petitions to legalize weed." Of course I was like "okie" and a few days later I was on a bus to Columbus, Ohio, 6 months later I was leaving Texas. The entire time I was stoned, or tripping. Great times. So 10 years later when my old friend Jerry told me that he had just finished helping make a movie called Trailer Park Jesus and that I had to watch it, I of course took it very seriously and drank enough whiskey to kill all the undiscovered life in the Galapagos. Flat out though, this movie was hilarious, and really well done. I watch a lot of movies, and I watch a lot of really bad, no budget, little indie projects. 90% of the time they're terrible, Trailer Park Jesus though, is the reason I put myself through it. There's so much talent in this little movie, and it's absolutely hilarious. Do yourself a favor, stick out your tongue and take the trip.


I was lucky enough to watch TPJ at the Tivoli in St Louis. I got to meet the director Sean Gerowin, and TPJ at the show. With a personal touch Sean told us that the movie was more or less a true story. He talked about TPG's And the rest of the cast's personal history, and their role in the movie. Many times I wanted to yell at the screen at the lead characters. For me a great movie makes me think and feel. I want to escape into the story, leave reality behind, only like good movies can do. And TPG does just that. I was surprised on how great the story was, all in all good acting. I was wrapped up in the story so much, I wanted to help Jesse myself. The whole experience left me wanting more.
