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Amateur Porn Star Killer

Amateur Porn Star Killer (2006)

June. 30,2006
| Horror Crime

The unofficial story of a killer who kidnaps and kills three girls is told through the tale of his last victim, 'Amateur Porn Star Killer' is about a girl he picks up on the street and convinces to go back to his hotel room. The girl is shy, unnerved, and yet unable to take herself out of a bad situation. The killer is a guy who seems at first nothing more than your standard, 18 year old pervert with a penchant for filming his sexual escapades. An unsettling darkness descends.


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This movie pretends to retell a story from the 70's. A madman is stalking girls and lures one into making a porn movie. It is stated she's 13, but actually looks pretty much like 20. Little does she know his final aim is to make a snuff movie. So he kills her in the end.Now this could be turned into a decent horror movie, porn movie or documentary. But the maker takes another approach. He makes the entire movie look like shot with a 8mm camera. So the entire movie consists of flickering images, regularly off colour. When the camera is moved, the film continues to roll, so we can witness the moving of the camera. Drives you nuts. And this people in the 70's with an 8 mm camera would never do: the film was quite expensive.Some people have commented the editing was bad. Well, actually it is not. This really looks as a bunch of home made 8 mm movies tied together in the 70's. But it doesn't grasp the atmosphere of the '70's. Not even the clothing comes close. As far as one can tell the acting is not extremely bad, but given the obscure lightning and the bad camera-work you will not see much acting really.Mind you this is not porn. There is quite a lot of nudity, but certainly no hard core scenes are shown. This is not horror. The actual killing is suggested, but not shown. This is not a documentary, because it doesn't teach you anything. Besides this movie is not funny, not exciting or thrilling.Maybe the maker had good intentions. But he failed completely. This movie only makes you dizzy and it bores you to death. Maybe one day this will be considered camp, but I really doubt it will ever be a success even then.After watching this piece of junk you realize how brilliantly the Ed Wood movies were made. And oh boy: they stink. But at least you could laugh about some of them. This movie only irritates and baffles you.


My friend told me it is bad but I wanted to see it anyway. I wish I had listened to him. Two homemade sex movies are merged together with little effects you can find on any average camera. I don't think even I heard someone speaking in this movie--I remembered why, the player was on fast-play. Video cameras are cheap nowadays and many think they can make a movie. Believe me, this film could have been filmed by a mobile camera. When I first watched it, I thought someone had replaced the DVD because no nobody can sell such a low quality movie but it turned out to be what the character did as claimed !!! I can't believe some people liked this movie. Just because it looks real!! What's the unreal thing in a couple having violent sex and being filmed. I think the actress was in a desperate need for money to be involved. Don't waste your time on this movie. I can't give it less than 1/10 otherwise I did


Amateur Porn Star Killer (2007) *** (out of 4) Each and every year horror fans start hyping up a film saying it's one of the best of the genre and so on. The skies usually falls down as these hyped movies turn out to be bad but that's not the case here. I had never even heard of this movie until I got bored and kept walking around the video store and noticed the naked woman on the DVD cover. I read the mini-reviews scattered across the front and back cover so I decided to give the film a shot and it was certainly worth it. The film is more psychological drama than horror but no matter which genre the film works.A man (Shane Ryan) lures a 13-year-old girl (Michiko Jimenez) to a hotel room for what she thinks is to make an amateur porn movie but soon, as she begins to feel uncomfortable, she knows something else is going on. The set up is simple but the style is what really pushes this film over the edge. This is another film that tries to be a snuff movie and it actually works here but I'm sure a lot will blow their brains out. The whole style of the film is that the movie looks like a real, low budget movie with splices on the print, the darkness goes up and down, tape rolls and other things. This will annoy most but it does work in making the film look and feel like a real snuff movie. It's ugly to look at and sometimes the audio is hard to hear but this just captures what a real snuff film would probably look like. The film is meant to be a warning to women about going places with men that they don't know and this simple idea works very well. The film runs 71-minutes and 68-minutes of that time is shot in "real time" as we see the two enter the room, start talking, slowly taking their clothes off and so on. There's a real oral sex scene and the film isn't shy about the nudity but all of it is done in a grungy way, just like what we'd expect the snuff film to be.The film runs very short but with the lack of any real editing it just adds to the movie. Apparently this was shot in a couple hours for $45 and it looks it. That's not a bad thing either. The film opens with a small scene in the car and then we hit the hotel room where we get a forty-minute scene done without any edits and then another thirty-minute scene without edits. The film plays very smoothly and you really get the feeling that you're watching a real video that's uncut. Star and director Ryan does a very good job in both departments and his acting was pretty damn good. He does a great job at playing this creep who starts off like a girl's dream but slowly turns to the psychopath that he is. Jimenez gives a terrific performance as the young virgin who gets in over her head. I was rather shocked at how great she was and considering there aren't any edits or double takes, the fact that she was able to stay in character and go with the story ranks this performance as one of the best I've seen in 2007. Shane, the director, does a terrific job with the visual style, although again, the bad quality will probably bug some. If we're going to call this a horror movie then it's one of the best I've seen in a very long time and like the films of the 70s, its point is to shock you and that it does very well.


Here's another shot-on-video pseudo-snuff flick, this one comes from Shane Ryan who up until now has worked predominantly in the short film and music video format.The film opens with a quote regarding snuff films from Paul Schrader director of Hardcore ('79) & Auto Focus and screenwriter for Taxi Driver & Raging Bull. We then see some of what looks like homemade porn footage followed by some more text explaining how snuff has generally been put down to urban legend as no one has ever actually seen one. Right away this gives you an idea of what you're about to witness.Shot from amateur pornographer / serial killer Brandon's (played by director Shane Ryan) point of view, we see him cruising the streets with his camera and eventually pick up a girl, Stacey (Michiko Jimenez) who he convinces to come back to his hotel room. From here on out the action is confined to the claustrophobic setting of a hotel room. Brandon constantly films Stacey, asking her questions - ie: how old she is, what does she do, etc. (she mentions she is eighteen and that she lives with at home with her Mother) after a lotta chit-chat & probing questions - scenes which are intercut with footage of Brandon f****** an earlier victim - he soon manages to convince her to strip down to her bra and panties, she uncomfortably does so. On seeing her lolita-esquire figure Brandon presses her further on her age and she shyly reveals she is actually thirteen, which doesn't bother him in the least.Things quickly become a little more tense as Brandon becomes more confrontational, verbally intimidating her (but in a creepy smooth way) and persuading her to give him a blowjob. Afterward she seems visibly shaken, her nervous laughter and flirtatious smiles gone, she seems to know what's coming next. He lays on top of her on the bed and attempts to smother her with a pillow, when that doesn't work he brutally beats her to death (off screen). The end credits explain how Brandon goes to video shops and swaps their rental tapes for tapes of his crimes a la The Last Horror Movie.I honestly wasn't expecting much from this film, I figured here's yet another SOV wannabe "extreme'' fake-snuff flick, ho hum, but I enjoyed it immensely. Even though APSK has not one drop of blood I found it to be far more disconcerting and unpleasant than say the August Underground films or Slaughtered Vomit Dolls because it felt a lot more realistic - I mean yeah, I enjoyed those flicks for their gore, nastiness and overall nihilism and its always good to have controversial boundary-pushers but they're just not disturbing to me. While watching APSK you actually feel quite uncomfortable, like a voyeur witnessing something you're not meant to be (I guess the age thing has something to do with it too). Then again, empty-headed gorehounds would probably be bored outta their skulls. Another one of the elements which make this film work is the superb acting of Michiko Jimenez, she is completely believable as a nervous young girl, giggling shyly, constantly fidgeting, uneasily scanning the room, not making eye contact, etc.Although a couple of things that brought this down a few notches for me was the visual effect used which tries to make it look like the film was shot on old 16MM film stock with grain, scratches and a jumpy picture even though its obviously set in recent times and shot on DV. Also the stylized way it is shot combined with the infrequent red-hued visual effects often work to blur and conceal some of the graphic nudity. The other irritating thing was that it had a soundtrack (which often drowns out the actors lines), it would've seemed a lot more credible if there was no soundtrack at all. Apart from those minor flaws, an excellent feature film debut from Shane Ryan. 7/10
