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And Never Let Her Go

And Never Let Her Go (2001)

April. 01,2001
| Drama Thriller Crime Mystery

The true story of a woman's suspicious disappearance after ending an affair with a powerful, married attorney.


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Thanos Karagioras

"And Never Let Her Go" is a movie which is based on the true story of a woman's disappearance after ending an affair that she had with a married man. The role of this man is played by Mark Harmon and the role of this woman is played by Kathryn Morris.I think that this movie is a nice crime and mystery movie and we can see how a crime evolves and how the police and the family members of this woman affect the result of this crime. I liked this movie because of the plot and because it's based on a true story. I also liked because of the interpretation of Mark Harmon who I believe he played very well and I also liked the interpretation of Kathryn Morris.


I read the book and saw the movie and I think they are both good. However there are many mistakes in the movie from the real story. I was born and raised and currently live in Delaware so I know the story very well. First off Ann Marie had long curly brown hair and in the movie she was short, straight blonde hair. The other thing is they don't really show it is in Delaware. They say at the end when they catch him that hes on the express way, but there is not express way in Delaware. On a positive side Mark Harman was excellent. He made Tom Capano look like the creep he is. Overall i like the movie though minus the mistakes though i am a stickler about those. Also In September Tom Capano died in his jail cell.

Rick Blaine

But it's very good. It's a notch above the average fare in this genre. You do have to remember it's just a made for television movie - or miniseries to be more exact. About three and one half hours running time.And no, it's not going to have the continuity of a 'real' movie, not with it's continual fade outs for barrages of advertisements.But given that the genre is severely handicapped - and that interest in features such as this is most often rather prurient, this one does very well.Harmon is so good he's really disgusting and you really get to hate him by the end. Too bad for Mark: it's going to be hard to get glamorous movies where he can cut to the chase with Meg after things like this and the Bundy one.Rachel Ward is simply excellent; Morris is very convincing; they're all very good and the screen writing is above average too, as is the camera work.It's a very tragic and very gripping story and well worth the time spent to view it.


I saw the movie "And Never Let Her Go" ..I think that the comments about had she avoided an affair with a married man she would not have been murdered. Yeah real garbage comment. The movie just showed the very worst of something that should not have happened. It is not the victim's fault because her boss was psychotic and could not take rejection. Let's also not forget that oh yes He Was Guilty and His Own Brother Turned Him in!The only reason the feds investigated her boss was because she was a federal employee. May her family find peace now that they have convicted her murderer and sentenced him to death. This is the farthest thing from male bashing and I suggest that the commentator needs to understand that this is not about his personal views. That this was a horrible thing that happened and to trivialize the movie about it as male bashing, is absurd and ignorant!
