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A Scream in the Night

A Scream in the Night (1935)

July. 29,1935
| Thriller Crime Mystery

A colonial police detective in an Eastern seaport seeks a stolen gem, and infiltrates the underworld by posing as a look-alike wharfside bar owner.


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kai ringler

Definitely not one of Lon Chaney Jr.'s more memorable films that's for sure,, for the large part I believe he was terribly miscast for this particular role.. and probably should have avoided this film altogether. He plays to his credit though 2 roles.. one of a Police Detective, and the other of a drunkard, criminal.. a gem is in possession of a man , then it is stolen from him,, and the detective has to get his hands on it,,, there are two women involved, so you have a love triangle going on between several men,, which complicates things in the movie, such as a doublecross.. my favorite part of the movie without a doubt is the parrot scene,, where the drunkard.. Chaney Jr. character is throwing darts at a dartboard,, and there is a parrot right next to the dart board,, and the parrot is so annoying,, and you have to laugh as the man grows very agitated at the parrot and every time he throws the darts,, the look on the parrot's face is priceless.


in the late 1950's***SOILERS*** Lon Cheney Jr. is both the scuzzy unkempt and petty crook Butch Curtin as well as the handsome well dressed & spoken private investigator Jack Wilson here as he tries to recover the stolen Tear of Buddha emerald in some un-named country that's seems to be situated between China & India.. The emerald was stolen from American diamond dealer Joe Bentelt, John Ince, after he was almost strangled by Johnny Fly, Manuel Lopez, who's been after it for years. Being a dead ringer for Butch Curtain who's Fly's assistant Jack Wilson after having Curtain arrested and put on ice takes over his identity in an effort to get Johhny to reveal where the emerald is hidden.Not much of a movie in that it was so bad that it's studio, Astor Studios, kept it on the shelf for eight years only to release it in 1943 when Cheney was by then an established star and feeling some movie goers and Cheney fans will be interested in seeing it just for that reason alone. The film limps alone until the final scene where we have Wilson as Butch Curtain have it out with Johnny Fly. That's after his cover was blown by Johnny's jealous girlfriend Mora, Zarah Tazil, who felt he was to leave her for another woman. This was when Mora in a jealous fit went after the other woman the kidnapped Edith Bentley, John Bentley's daughter, played by Shelia Terry. It was Shelia who Mora felt had stolen Johnny Fly away from her which led to a wild cat fight between the two at the end of the film.As for Lon Cheney's Jr. it wasn't until some four years later in 1939 when he played the part of the tragic and simple minded Lenny in "Mice and Men" that he made him a star. And it could have been the reason that no one saw "A Scream in the night" and how awful it was that made it very possible for Cheney to have gotten that part. and from there he went to bigger and better roles like "The Wolf Man" and "Son of Dracula" as well as the unforgettable Butcher Benton in the bad movie classic "Indistructable Man" before his movie career fizzled out.


This film is notable for one thing--an early appearance by Lon Chaney, Jr.--here billed under his actual name, Creighton Chaney. Aside from that, it's a very low-budget B-movie--and it shows its low pedigree in every way. The acting is often abysmal, the script clichéd and I assumed it was directed by a chimp! The film is about some stolen ruby and a criminal that strangles his victims but as yet is unknown. To get to the bottom of this, a police detective (Chaney) poses as one of the killer's henchmen--who just so happens to look EXACTLY like Chaney!!! How fortuitous! Think about it. the odds of a person looking EXACTLY like someone else are astronomically great. Yet here, on top of that, the cop on the case just happens to look exactly like the #1 suspect!! Sometimes in film you need to suspend disbelief to enjoy them--here you just need to be very stupid! The bottom line is that the actors(?) often struggle over delivering their lines (especially the ones doing outrageous accents), there is a fight scene at the end that is hilariously bad and the entire plot is based on a bad cliché. Even for fans of B-movies, this one is very slow going and dull.By the way, if you do choose to see this film, listen to Chaney's voice. Neither character sounds like Chaney did in his films just a few years later. My assumption is that he got some voice lessons in order to deepen his voice.


The plot concerns the Tear of Buddha ruby which the villain wants to get and the owner and his niece want to keep. Low budget independent film thats more than a tad creaky owing to it production rather than its story which does move along at a good clip. Certainly not a great film but it is one that over comes its limitations for a decent way to spend an hour.Lon Chaney Jr has two roles as detective searching for a criminal mastermind and as the masterminds henchmen. Its good to see him in what would be an atypical role as a romantic leading man. Clearly the two roles was an effort to cash in on his fathers name and while its not one of the tortured roles he was well known for later in his career, he does acquit himself nicely.Worth a look especially for Lon Chaney Jr fans.
