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The Perfect Human Diet

The Perfect Human Diet (2012)

May. 22,2012
| History Documentary

"The Perfect Human Diet" is an unprecedented global exploration to find a solution to our epidemic of overweight obesity and diet-related disease - the #1 killer in America. The film bypasses current dietary group-think by exploring modern dietary science, previous historical findings, ancestral native diets and the emerging field of human dietary evolution; revealing for the first time, the authentic human diet. Film audiences finally have the opportunity to see what our species really needs for optimal health and are introduced to a practical template based on these breakthrough scientific facts.


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This is written with so much faulty science. Again a reporter trying to make it rich spewing bullshit to unsuspecting viewers. Watch forks over knives or check out Nutritionfacts.org for REAL science. Such a shame money is clouding everyones judgement. Someone trying to help you make smart nutritious choices would never make this documentary. Yes, there is a crisis right now, but the answer isn't paleo. Its completely unsustainable and impossible. Another documentary. Conwpiracy. These films I'm referring too won't be funded by big directors because they are against the corporate Big Meat and Dairy agenda. Check out the beef check off programs. Or MilkPEP. These organizations work with the government to make you eat more meat and drink more milk so they make money. Open your eyes!! For your life, choose a whole food plant based diet. Eat amazing food, always be full, and eat the diet our ACTUAL ancestors ate. Fiber is the MOST important nutrient and its estimated we'd save billions in health costs if everyone just had 1 more gram of fiber a day. Meat, dairy, and eggs have no fiber at all.


I've watched a lot of documentaries on health and eating habits and can I just say what a relief it is to finally have one with actual scientists and doctors. I have always been a heavy meat eater and I personally know many vegetarians with much worse health than I. My doctors are always amazed at how healthy I am with little exercise and a diet which includes meat in every meal. I have always avoided sugars my whole life. It was never a personal decision, I just have never enjoyed deserts and candy. My wife thought I was so odd when she met me and found I don't enjoy desert after dinner. My friends wonder why I'm not a thousand pounds and attribute it to genes. Carnivore for life.


This documentary is quite shallow at the end, even though there is a real effort to interview serious scientist and to approach the different diets. They go from the extreme no meat to only meat... as some of my peers saidHowever this is the first documentary that is really focused on an evolutionary perspective for diets, and for this, i gave them my two stars. But, the format makes me to a reality TV show, especially for the first half. they seem to be very into "scoop" and sensitization of the informations, which annoyed me quite much i have to say. with the little harp music that often comes... this is really annoying. So i really had a problem with the format.plus the use of the expression by some of the scientists " we are design for...", well as a scientist myself this is... ouch! And one the guy is citing the sphenoid bone which is a the center of the theory of the intelligent design.... For me this documentary is really on the slippery slope and i am wondering if it has not just been made for good traditional American (that is just evolved enough to accept there might be some kind of evolution) to give them weak scientific justifications for they diet.And most of it, there is an important point that they forgot to take in the equation : the impact of the environment.... This is something that our ancestors did not have to deal with.. So yes some of our ancestors ate mainly animal products, but those resources now have such a cost on our environment, which makes me question a lot about the perfection of this diet. If we want to really think about our diet, i think that we are at a point were we need a more broad approach that really embraces more problems that are related to food. They are NEVER talking about the pesticides...!!!! This is why i think this documentary is at the end quite presumptuous, even if the questions it asks is really interesting.

Sophia Aragon

Sadly, because this documentary is only of average quality which, of course, speaks to how bad documentary making has become in terms of objective reporting. Nonetheless, the production of this (as most other) documentaries is quite good. There is nothing amateurish about the effort. It has plenty of eye-candy and moves along well.Content-wise, it is unnecessarily reactionary. This, in my opinion, is the biggest flaw of the documentary. Framing the narrative around a rejection of vegetarian principles only serves to elicit responses like that of the other commenter, responses that misconstrue the message and get lost in delusional, inane diatribes around fantasy subjects like "everything meat" and "meat versus vegetable". If your brain is plugged in while watching, you will find that traditional diets are, by necessity, far more balanced and rational. An interesting topic on its own.For those that don't consider nutrition to be a religious issue, it is a good introduction to evolutionary diets. If interested, read more on the subject (e.g. Weston Price is a good lead).
