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2012 Crossing Over A New Beginning

2012 Crossing Over A New Beginning (2012)

November. 15,2012
| Documentary

December 21, 2012 is on everyone's mind. What will it bring? Is it the end of the world? A new beginning for mankind? Or just another year on the calendar? Brave Archer Films presents '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning.' The feature documentary explores a positive spiritual perspective on the events of Dec 21, 2012. The film investigates the galactic alignment, consciousness awakening, cycles of evolution, our binary star system with Sirius, the fear agenda in the media, who's behind it, love vs fear and much more. The film is loaded with amazing revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and much more. The doco is shot entirely in Full HD, illustrated with high end animations and includes original music by Jonathan Kent.


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2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning explains in full detail and precision the reality of the new age we are currently "crossing over" to via the perspectives of enlightened teachers, comedians, and scientists across the world. Furthermore, the film delves into the agenda and the mainstream media; exposing the truth behind the fear based propaganda generated by the mainstream regarding the "cosmic shift" we are undergoing. This film helps raise ones awareness of current and past events, enabling us to see through the fear and lies that are deliberately being pumped out of the machine we currently reside in. To conclude, this film paints a clear picture of the past, present and near future with love, harmony, and synchronicity. If you are a seeker of knowledge, truth, and love, then this film is specifically for you. Thank you, Amel Tresnjic, for masterfully putting this project together!


This film is a must see for any individual who has an interest in searching for the truth. In the current environment where fact is often stranger than fiction, it is easy to become overwhelmed and paralyzed by fear which is continuously encouraged by the media. 2012: Crossing Over, A New Beginning is a beautiful film that reminds us of the choice we have- to live in fear or live in love! What more important message is there? Whether you were personally connected to the message behind the so called 'end of the world' in 2012 or not, this film puts the entire build up to the event in to perspective. It also addresses current world domination theories, whilst managing to leave you feeling uplifted and connected to the endless opportunities to experience joy on this planet.

Lance Lawson

For a fresh positive perspective on a topic mired by naysayers and doomsdayers, take time out to watch this documentary. Written, produced and directed single handedly by Amel Tresnjic, it cuts through the reams of irrelevant hype to reveal the simple truths that surely resonate with those having open minds capable of critical thought. These truths lie within all of us, yet at times are forgotten. But thanks to this gentleman's work, more people will see a different side of life. The right side. What would be great is if they also took inspiration to act upon it within their realms of existence, thereby making the world a better place, as Amel has done with this production.

Gavin Anthony Harrill

MOVIE REVIEW. 2012 Crossing Over: A New BeginningSpoiler Alert: Spirituality, yoga and paranormal concepts are all the rage these days, and it would seem they are just like any other fad or trend that comes and goes in our fast-paced and always-changing society. But I am grateful to say "spirituality" is not a trend, it's not going anywhere by fading out only to be replaced by the next big thing!! Rather spirituality is simply an awareness, that every person --in their own time-- arrives at when they're ready to start exploring who they are, why are they here, and what their purpose is… to learn what their unique gifts are and how they want to give back to our beautiful world in alignment with their own Soul Contract.Santos Bonacci, a student of astro-theology for 30+ years, emphatically asks "Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are?" and explains by understanding astrology enables us --empowers us-- to comprehend exactly who we are through the knowing of what "birth signs" mean, and what the energy behind each sign represents. As the earth spins, only specific constellations are visible to us as we gaze into the night sky. That constellation --the one we can see on our birthday-- is the sign which energetic "rules us." Expressed more compassionately and politically correct: It's the zodiac sign which influences our emotions and thought processes, and in turn, influences our behaviors."2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning" does a wonderful job making sense of these often intangible concepts of the Spirit World. Thank you Amel Tresnjic for producing this film and for all your hard work and dedication toward helping us take our first few steps in waking up and understanding this magical mystery tour we call life!On December 21st, 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar is official. This is actually the beginning of the energy of Unity Consciousness, when we drop and dissolve our man-made barriers of separateness; of national, religious and cultural boundaries; and of believing we are different than the "rest of the world." When in reality, the only thing different is our skin color and the languages we speak.Most of us are visual learners and certainly want proof --some sort of tangible evidence-- of that which we cannot see or touch is actually real. This documentary superbly concretizes the science behind the spirituality and metaphysical mumbo-jumbo! While "theories" are deemed unprovable and offer simply a way of looking at things --a way of perceiving the world-- 2012 Crossing Over connects the dots and builds a sturdy bridge for us to travel providing sure and stable footing for our journey. For instance, one huge advantage of this documentary is that it's divided into chapters, just like a book. Why this is so significant is because there are numerous moving parts involved in understanding the grand picture, in comprehending the magnitude of what has taken place throughout our societies. Tresnjic has interwoven these moving parts seamlessly with smooth and eloquent transitions creating one cohesive piece allowing us to enjoy the journey of untwisting and disentangling these otherwise confusing and muddled relationships which have been in existence right before our very eyes, yet we were so unable to see the connections before this documentary spelled them out for us: Bravissimo! "When you connect the dots between apparently unconnected people, situations, organizations, and world events, then you start to see how they fit together. Suddenly, this bewildering and confusing world starts to take on a much clearer dimension. Because only by connecting the dots... over a vast range of subjects, of situations, of people, can you start to see why the world is upside down, why it is as it is, and crucially, why behind that smokescreen of complexity is an amazing revelation of who we are and the nature of life!" exclaims David Icke.It is essential for each of us to identify who we are and what we brought to the table in order to achieve joy within our lives. This is the sojourn we agreed to embark upon birth, and yet our lives (working everyday to literally buy our ability to survive) have somehow turned into often extreme challenges making it nearly impossible to fulfill this agreement …of learning our purpose and enjoying life through our co-creative abilities. Instead, the majority of us fight to stay healthy, fight to pay bills, fight to spend time cleaning and worrying about things, fight to struggle to make ends meet, and that's not even mentioning the third world countries living in poverty, without the bare necessities to live: Water, food, homes, and medical care. How did we get here?! 2012 Crossing Over explains how we got here …and better yet, offers a sound and practical solution, which we all can easily partake."We are so in control of our destiny, it's unbelievable. And yet billions are persuaded they're not, and therefore they create a different reality," Icke wonderfully describes the victim mentality and how we perpetuate creating the negativity within our own lives. George Neo from Yoga Plex/ Magpie House continues: "The fear is a lack of being all-powerful. And so being anything less than Infinite Love, puts us in a state of fear."We've witnessed monumental changes across our world in just the past 25 years: The Fall of the Wall of Berlin, the explosion of the internet bringing people and cultures closer and closer, and the demise of numerous dictatorships throughout the Middle East. Learn about the bigger picture through 2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning …a new world of love is coming and changing our world right before our very eyes --check it out!!Snippets of George Carlin are even in this movie ...now, who the heck doesn't love dear ol' George!!Sending Love & Light. Gavin Anthony Harrill, MA. Psychic Kids & Teens Support Group
