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Runaway Slave

Runaway Slave (2012)

January. 13,2012
| Documentary

A perpetual state of welfare exists in the U.S., creating a form of modern slavery for a large percentage of African-Americans. Rev. C.L. Bryant presents an insightful and compelling look at how freedom can be restored.


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I was really excited for this film, but having finally watched it, it was even better than I expected. This film does well in contrasting liberal (aka progressive/Democrat) history and today with conservatives, showing how we have commonality's together, but one side is not for our good, but especially for the good of the black community.Slavery still exists in America.... Democrats are now doing it through government and the demonization of others, rather than being direct about it, but they are still the same racists and slavers as before.Just look at some of the negative reviews, instead of debunking anything in the video, because they can't, because everything in it is true, they try to stop you from watching it by who did the video. First, that shows how they clearly haven't watched the movie, but second it shows that it's all liberals have, personal attacks, no substance, no facts, no truth, and no morality.This video, along with the new one "Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party" should be a must see in every school, and by every American. Good people need to see how they have been lied to, how they are being controlled, how they are being enslaved.


Funded by Karl Rove's (Byrant's civil right hero) Freedom Works this movie proves that some AfroAmericans can be as political deluded as anyone else. This movie contains all the hyperbole, meme and stereotyping and distortions that Tea Partyers love and progressives shrug their shoulders at. To hear AfroAmericans defend and glorify slavery and accuse the civil rights movement as a slavery creator was distressing. Abortion, civil rights, democrats and welfare are the new slave masters according to the movie. This is the movie Neocon/Tea'ers love and will love because it has all the hyperbole and hand washing they desire: See I told ya it wasn't discriminatory practices, poor education and poverty holding down the negros p, it's themselves.


One of the most important movies of the last 50 years. Thank You Rev C.L.Bryant and all involved - for this amazing documentary. Your bravery and leadership is so needed and so very important. I had tears in my eyes through the whole thing. The truth is powerful. I am so inspired by the leaders who appear in this documentary. Praise the Lord for those who find a way to break away from whatever darkness pervades the conditions of their birth and seek the light. Peer pressure is such a powerful thing, it takes a special mind to see beyond it. Those who condemn this movie are trapped in a spiral and don't realize they are being pulled down. Freedom is not just something we enjoy by the grace and wisdom of our Founding Fathers, it is a state of mind. Thank You again! I am blown away.


If you refer to the postings below mine, you will see 2 reviews that are accurate and 2 reviews from people who either A. Don't know the Truth, Or B. Don't want you to know the truth... I'm more inclined to choose C. All of the above. Great film, Informative, Accurate, and gives you references for the statements and the truth... I don't really want to include ant spoilers, but you should learn the truth about what happened in our history... More recent history really. I don't know how many of you were misinformed due to a public school or your phony beliefs, but when you look up the moments and events in this movie, you should be surprised that you have never "learned" this in school... If you can't put in a little effort yourself, you do not deserve to know.
