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What the Bleep! Down the Rabbit Hole

What the Bleep! Down the Rabbit Hole (2006)

February. 03,2006
| Drama Documentary

Interviews with scientists and authors, animated bits, and a storyline involving a deaf photographer are used in this docudrama to illustrate the link between quantum mechanics, neurobiology, human consciousness and day-to-day reality.


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This movie takes quotes out of context from its scientific experts, and misleads viewers.The Ice crystal bit is my favorite BS one. http://www.csicop.org/specialarticles/show/a_grain_of_truth_recreati ng_dr._emotos_rice_experimentBasically the whole film is shouting science at you with peppered non science beliefs peppered in between. In other words this is FOX news the movie.: SCIENCE! our cult beliefs (whispered) SCIENCE!This is a good article on the movie as a whole, and all it's issues: http://www.salon.com/2004/09/16/bleep_2/So in closing if you have a few hours to kill, because this is a long mind melt then go for it. But don't buy the snake oil this movie is peddling.


I guess it depends how much you like to be confronted to new possibilities.There's a war between science and religion, and this movie tells them that they are both wrong, and right, and bring them together... so yeah it's mind blowing.I never could understand quantum physics because I'd have too much to learn before it, but they made it extremely easy to understand... and it was mind blowing.I am not one of those people who rely on ads to tell them the "truth", who they are and what they want... I'm a free thinker and the weirder the better, but this movie made so much sense with my own experiences.I almost died and no I didn't see a light or Santa on a cloud...I simply asked myself "what does it looks like after death"... but then my inner voice told me that it's not the right question... so I took some time to think, and since I was letting go of life itself slowly, my mind was particularly open... so I asked: "What does the existence looks like, outside of matter and outside of time?" And then I saw... endless possibilities spreading like the branches of a tree into the future, endless possibilities to reach the same present, like roots... then an endless forest for all living creatures on the planet... that were, are, and will be... My mind opened from a dot in a line... to everything.At another moment,I came to the realization that all sentient being are people. There's no difference between us and animals, even insects. We all make choices and learn, feel, live. (and this really offended me in the movie, to say that animals can't choose because of their frontal lobe, that's just ego. But they did try so hard to open their mind that they have respectable views anyway.) But every single cells in your body can feel, send messages, have different needs, different functions... so from this view... it means that every cells of your body is a different person.And it is true.You are actually the sum of a community of beings, working together. You are all those people who have been, are, and will be. (Every 7 years your whole body is renewed into completely new cells) Just like society.We think we're separate, as a cell feel differently and look separated under a microscope... but when you stand further enough, with a wide enough view and open mind... you see the whole... as one.So just like your brain is made of a network of neurones... that were, are and will be... your whole brain is like one neurone in the whole creation... and the cumulation of thoughts, that influences the world, is what we call god. Deeper than your conscious mind... your sub-sub conscious... is the universe's self awareness... the mind and will of god...Your own thoughts affects your body, and the sums of the thoughts of the collective affects the world... the actions of one might seem to have little impact, but the actions of many in the same direction can change the whole planet (maybe that's why people at the head of companies deny the very existence of global warming... but we did that by burning dinosaur farts in our cars and others, too much too long) And thoughts... have divine powers as well, with an effect less easy to see than moving objects, but intent can still move you and the world itself.I came up with that on my own... it amazed me to see scientists state the same theories with scientific experiments to back them up... and so much more that amazed me... by actually explaining what I noticed but couldn't explain.I do feel like my brain isn't set in the present but can see the past, present and futures as well... They said that your thoughts can change the past... and then I thought that I should use that to help my past self! And I actually did... all those countless times that my inner voiced warned me of danger, the horrors that happened after not ignoring it... and blessing that saved my very life when I did...Because when I was dying... after I opened my mind and saw how immense and magnificent existence is, I saw that I wasn't ready to take it all in, I wanted to stay a little dot on a line a little more...So then I asked myself what I could do to live... and my body simply told me to take care of my needs.I'm still here. Enjoying great movies. Thank you, myself, and all the people who open their mind... to endless possibilities.I discovered this movie from the Dr Emoto's work on the mind's energy effect on water crystals... I believed in chi, but being able to freeze water to observe the effect is amazing... If hateful thoughts make crystals look so damaged compared to the artistic magnificence of love and gratitude... imagine what it does to you and the people around you, knowing that we're 90% water... You can deny it and refuse to believe it all you want.But you'll still feel and live it. Everyday.Enjoy!


For free-thinkers this movie is a must, if only because it defies categorization. The closest comparison might be a mixture of Donnie Darko & Moulin Rouge, with a little Neverending Story thrown in for good measure. But it's really in a league all it's own & as such must be taken with a grain of salt, not as gospel. It does get preachy, especially towards the end, and some of the new-age babble will leave non-free-thinkers highly uncomfortable at times. The movie walks the line between creativity & craziness, physics & psychics, psychology & psychosis. One minute we have "Dr. Quantum," an animated character rendered as a wise old blue-eyed man (read: God) encouraging the denizens of "flatland" (read: Earth) to break free of their 2D mindsets & recognize infinity, and the next we have an Irish priest saying that the idea of some aloof God lecturing from on high can go against ethical development. Some of the interviewees are geeky & down-to-earth, while others seem to have resolved-upon-observation to one fixed point of view from among the many potential points of view that they may hold when nobody's around. That said, the viewer should have a basic familiarity with some of the paradoxes, a.k.a. "weirdnesses" of the sub-atomic realm vis-a-vis the mechanical realm & "God" really does give a good visualization of the classic double-slit experiment near the movie's beginning, which for me was worth the price of admission anyway.


This movie did not develop ideas beyond the first version on any level: intellectually, creatively, visually, or spiritually. It did not deserve the effort or financing to produce it, and in fact seemed like a rehash of all the footage that wasn't used from the first film.*Perhaps* it included a couple of new 'talking heads'--but that only conveyed to me an egoism in trying to appease all the experts in the field. It contained no new information that was not already included in the first movie.Supposedly this movie is about cutting edge thought--but in fact, it pandered to an audience that doesn't have a clue, just because it repeated itself. Sort of like just shouting louder to someone who doesn't understand your point the first time.I liked "What the Bleep?" (liked, not loved) and I was prepared to LOVE "Down the Rabbit Hole..." But in my book, it was the same movie. What a disappointment!
