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The Good Wife

The Good Wife (1987)

May. 14,1987
| Drama Romance

In pre-WWII Australia, a love triangle develops between a man, his wife and the man's brother.


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In this immoral little farce the women feel free to indulge in their fantasies. When Marge is propositioned by her brother-in-law she says talk to Sonny about it. Then when Sonny tells Sugar that it's alright as long as it's okay with Marge, she feels like it doesn't matter and goes ahead. When the stranger comes to town she is smitten with him like half of the other town's women. Seems like their men don't have what it takes to satisfy them. Marge has a free-wheeling mother who does whatever she pleases, and she doesn't want her to be a servant to anyone. Her mother is rather surprised by her amorous pursuit of the new stud in town. This is quite a situation given that it's in 1939, but this is Australia, known for the unexpected. When Marge is pining away for this stranger Sonny get defensive, and feels betrayed. But they are true soul mates and neither them have scruples. At the end Sonny has sent Sugar packing, and brought his Marge back home.


What a heart-rendering plot! Throughout the movie, I kept wondering if there was the faintest chance that any close-knit community under the stars harbored secrets similar to the plot...Both brothers scruples, Marge's sexual appetite and the manner in which the town takes everything in step...It is sickeningly-refreshing to see this small town's women enjoy their sexuality as much as they do...To think all it takes is one male catalyst (Sam Neill's character, Neville) to turn women loose! Every guy's fantasy role...How am I to imagine the emotional toll this movie shoot took both on Rachel Ward and Bryan Brown (married to each other)?...Wow!


Although it has been quite some time since I have seen this film, I recall it being very intense, realistic, and well-acted. Rachel Ward in one of her best roles. Provocative subject matter, great setting/backdrop. Just a really good picture, NOT to be confused with a chick-flick. Even the husband truly enjoyed it.


"The Good Wife" is a film that seems to have a lot of quiet seductive power.... the story itself, which I found only minimally absorbing, is also somewhat lame and perhaps a bit goofy (Marge, a married woman, played by Rachel Ward, feels bored and unfulfilled in her rural Australian setting and first sleeps with her husband's younger brother, then begins to lust after a local barman played by Sam Neill...). However, the atmospheric setting, the scenery, the cinematography, the costumes, the characters, the enchanting background music - well, just about ALL elements of the film, are so rich and vibrant that they suck you right in, and more than make up for the rather daft story line. Hence, "The Good Wife" is that sort of movie where you end up caring about the fates of the various players. You actually care about the denouement of the movie, because as the story unfolds, you really do start to care about the players as human beings, and you can't help but become interested in their individual destinies.The creators of the film did an excellent job of recreating the look and feel of the time period of the story, which is set in 1939 Australia. I especially like the attention given to minute details that help to establish time and place and also give the movie a rich and full-bodied flavor. The eye-candy cinematography is just spectacular. This is easily one of the most "beautiful" movies I've ever seen. I'm glad I taped this movie off of a cable showing on TV. I will definitely be watching this one again!!
