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Kung Fu Zombie

Kung Fu Zombie (1981)

October. 01,1981
| Horror Action Comedy

A criminal comes to town in order to kill Billy Chong over a past dispute. But instead of getting his own hands dirty, he hires a Taoist wizard to animate some zombies to do the job for him. The plan goes horribly awry, and the bad guy ends up getting killed in his own trap. This pisses off the villain's spirit and he forces the priest to reincarnate him - only they can't find a suitable body. Meanwhile, an undead fiend of sorts comes to town to kill Billy's father over some other past dispute. This is where all of Billy's kung fu training comes in handy, and he manages to kill the attacker. With this, the other bad guy finally has a body to use, but the reincarnation goes wrong and the corpse is reborn as a vampire.


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Kung Fu and zombies: two of my favourite things in one film. Surely worth a watch.Well, only if you're a horror/comedy/kung fu completist.Just one of countless supernatural martial arts movies to follow in the wake of Sammo Hung's Encounters of the Spooky Kind, Kung Fu Zombie delivers the usual slapstick comedy, spooky silliness and frantic chop socky one expects from the genre, but does little to distinguish itself from the competition.The film opens as a criminal and his henchmen lay a trap for martial artist Pang (Billy Chong), who foiled the gang's attempt to rob a bank, sending them to prison for five years. With the help of a priest's powerful magic, the bandits plan to kill Pang by luring him into a trap lined with knives. Instead, the leader finds himself falling into the pit, where he is impaled on the blades. A supernatural lightning bolt strikes the dead criminal's body, freeing his spirit to seek out a new body with help from the priest. Meanwhile, a killer from an outlaw clan also seeks to do Pang and his family harm.After an hour of unexceptional ghoulish comedy and a few reasonable fights, the film does admittedly end on a high with an entertaining showdown between Pang and the killer, now a vampire. With super-fast moves and flaming fists and feet, the bloodsucker makes for a very cool adversary. It's just a shame that the rest of the film wasn't as much fun.


A wild and heady mix of knockabout comedy, horror elements, and super-fast martial arts action make up this crazy combination of a film, made during the period in Hong Kong when Sammo Hung's supernatural successes meant that everybody jumped on the comedy horror bandwagon. Despite a low budget and the crude special effects used in the film, KUNG FU ZOMBIE is a thrill-a-minute ride which will be a hoot for fans of the genre. The movie is packed with comedy throughout, mostly of the slapstick variety, and as is the norm with these productions there are a lot of guys screaming and shouting at each other all the while. Invisible ghosts that pull chairs out from underneath people and grope the town prostitute are here, as well as irritating sidekicks named Hamster with fake freckles and a comedy fat guy who eats a small, cute dog.The simple plot is just an excuse to cram as much action, kung fu, and comedy into one eighty-minute film as possible and it works. Things begin, appropriately enough, in a graveyard, where an unlucky wizard manages to bring three rotting zombies back to life. The corpse makeup in this film is pretty yucky so plenty of macabre chills in that area. Things go wrong when the wizard's employer ends up falling in a spike trap he set for his enemy, and his ghost returns to haunt the wizard, demanding him to find another body. Into this mess comes martial hero Billy Chong, whose own father happens to pop off at the moment, thus providing a harmless vessel for the enemy to inhabit. Also into this mess comes an invincible vampire zombie who has a score to settle with Chong. The scene is set for a showdown.Plenty of bizarre moments keep this film moving along nicely and its often surprising. Chong makes for a skilled and able fighter and although his character is less than engaging, he carries a natural charisma which combines with his talent to provide a worthwhile hero character. Chong is first seen jumping out of a tree and battling with his father in some frenetic kung fu action which is some of the fastest and craziest I've seen so far, making great use of props like buckets of water and tables and the like. Acting awards go to the guy playing the unfortunate wizard, who is magnificent in his part at playing a weaselly but inherently good character caught on the wrong side.Things culminate in a fantastic battle sequence between Chong and this caped vampire zombie guy, who gorily bites people's heads off and drinks their blood messily. Just as Chong is losing, a Buddhist priest turns up to help him on and then the fight goes into overdrive, an incredibly fast sequence of hard punches, kicks, the vampire setting himself alight to defeat his enemy and his final, hilarious comeuppance. Incredible stuff which really is worth waiting for. Despite cheap production values, the film looks visually impressive throughout and the action, when it comes, is fast and furious and most importantly exciting. Although I wouldn't call this film a classic due to the shallowness of the plot and the sometimes overwhelming silly comedy on display, it's genuinely entertaining and therefore deserves praise.


Kung Fu Zombie is one of those rare gems. It does nothing special, or even well, but the speed at which things happen and the utter madness you could only get from a HK release make this very appealing. The titular kung fu zombie is fun. He flies around pulls faces and, and this is the best bit, every time he is seen the camera pulls a close up to the 'da da dah-da da dah, da da d da da' part of the James Bond theme.One for the late night stoner brigade. It worked for me and my mates (respect to jimmy for getting it in the first place).

David Austin

This is a pretty entertaining movie, but not nearly the mindwarp that Chong's Kung Fu From Beyond the Grave is. This movie does have its moments, but the plot is not as interesting as it could be. Still, the villain is without a doubt the most butt-whuppinest zombie I have ever seen, and that includes the giant Mombie from Braindead (Dead-Alive). It's particularly fun the way he's always introduced with ripped-off James Bond music. Also the final fight is a doozie once the priest gets into the action. Worth a watch for Fu/Horror fans, but definitely not one to use an introduction to the genre.
