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Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave

Kung Fu from Beyond the Grave (1982)

February. 19,1982
| Horror Action

On the 7th month of the lunar calendar, all ghosts and spirits are active and get to walk the earth for the month so that they can find a way to reincarnate. During one of these nights, a young kid named Chun Sing (Billy Chong), is visited by his dead Father. Chun Sing's father states that he was murdered by a man named Kam Tai Fu (Lo Lieh). And as you may have guessed, Chun Sing must avenge his father's death. It won't be easy though because Kam Tai Fu has some help in the form of a Black Magician (Ta Hsi Yen) and his evil gung fu.


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During a supernatural encounter, a young kung fu fighter learns that his deceased father was murdered by an evil tyrant, and expects to see his death avenged. Enlisting the aid of The Undead, said youth sets forth on his dangerous mission, armed with an ancient book which is allegedly a source of awesome magical power.A truly bizarre and thoroughly disorienting treat for lovers of all things weird, Yin ji presents ghost, zombies, and vampires in thrilling kung fu action. You could ask for more? 'course not.A worthwhile oddity, and technically more professional than it really ought to be.5.5/10


This movie was so bad I could hardly catch you up. It is a poorly dubbed Chinese Kung foo movie with Ghosts/Ghouls/Zombies, they never do make up there mind, act like they died in a tragic short bus accident. The acting is sub par. The only thing that could save it is if Bob Odenkirk used this as a sequel to Kung Pow. You have a pansy villain who will always fear the purple nurple and a black or is that a yellow magician who has no qualms about killing but draws the line at watching people have sex, Yeah like that wasn't suspicious. 3 Friends and i Watched this movie about 16 times for A MST3K experiment. The Trauma is still painful. Oh yeah Dracula shows up after the magician waves a wad of 100 dollar bills,In actuality he looks like a goth art student.And the love interest's terrible flatulence scared the evil ghost away. because in life he was a poor bum and now is a worse ghost. We even used IMDb in our gag when we found out it got a 7 out of 10, a frelling 7. And now I see 10 people gave it a 10 out of 10. If you have a chance to see this movie. Run, leave whatever possessions you have and keep on running. If you don't, my friends John, Barry,Dok, and I will have a big told you so. We watch bad movies so you don't have to


So according to the movie's narrator, the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar is the Yin month. During this month ghosts are free to roam the earth (for 30 days). Mid-month occurs the Ghost Festival in which paper money is burned and tributes are left to appease the dead.It is during this month that Billy Chong's ghost father (who apparently had six fingers on his right hand) comes back to tell him that he was murdered by Kam Tai Fu in the Yellow Dragon town and to avenge his death. The martial arts aspects of this movie are typical of the low budget movie. There are aspects of this movie that make it stand out from the rest. It is both comical, serious and most definitely entertaining. Other aspects would include the magic, ghosts and the inclusion of full frontal nudity during the sex scenes. The movie has ghosts, bumbling drunk grave robbers, magicians, obscure magic rituals, a deadly powerful ghost of a bum, the scalping of dead people, an assault with face cloths, flying fireballs and a villain who threatens to sue our hero for slander. Even though Kam Tai Fu is the villain, it is his lazy-eyed wizard that gets most of the screen time. We first meet him during his duel with a monk (the first of many crazy scenes). They charge each other with only their index and middle fingers drawn. They are floating towards each other and once they collide a giant explosion occurs. The wizard performs a ritual on Kam Tai Fu that will make him invulnerable. The ritual involves the wizard getting two hearts (the hearts must be from a young man and woman whom are both in orgasm), melting them down and them spitting the liquefied hearts at Kam Tai Fu. The wizard's greatest moment is when he pulls out a wad of paper money, burns it and invokes the aid of Count Dracula. You heard that right. Count Dracula makes an appearance and fights our hero (and the dead ghosts that Billy Chong recruits). There is also an equally impressive ritual in which the wizard scraps his chest with burning incense (ouch).I highly recommend this movie for fans of the martial arts genre.

David Austin

Shame that almost nobody seems to have seen this. This is worth going well out of your way for. If you like kung fu and you like the bizarre this is the movie for you. Billy Chong must enlist a gaggle of hopping dead assassins to get revenge for the death of his father. The boss of the villains is not particularly impressive, but his main henchman, an evil wizard, is one of the coolest villains I've ever seen, in or out of kung fu. This guy is smart as a whip, cunning as could be, powerful in magic, and a better kung fu fighter than even the hero. His magic is great, especially when he actually, out of the blue, summons the western Dracula to fight for him. Watch this movie, you'll be amazed that anything this wacko ever got made, and made well.
