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Out (1982)

January. 01,1982
| Drama Mystery

A self-styled "urban guerrilla" in Greenwich Village is sent on various assignments across the country by a mysterious "commander."


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Bizarre but enjoyable for the most part, reminded me a little of Lynch, Dupieux or Shyamalan... But with amateurish directing... Maybe as a drama it doesn't work but as a comedy it's pretty funny; the future-telling-reading through cereals, that native American who started to sing at the randomest of moments, the cow-tongue recipe lol it's pretty funny if you look at it as a comedy I tried to find a message in it cause it seemed like it had one but I fell a little short thereI think trying to sell it as a thriller calling it Deadly Drifter on some releases was a dumb move, I'm not sure what it is but it's not a thriller I guess it's a art-house flick... Based on a book apparently I imagine the book being a little clearer about what actually was going on in the movie Anyhows although I never really was able to figure it out and it is flawed it kept my interestDanny Glover is not in it all that much, this is mainly Peter Coyote's vehicle


An oddball comedy depicting twenty years in the life of a mercenary road warrior. Starring: Peter Coyote, Danny Glover. This film was terrible. This film was terrible. A film of confusing and non-empathetic film characters that jumps around so that the viewer cannot follow the action. This film is so bad in all aspects of movie making that it appears to have been made by complete amateur story tellers. The actors don't help much by their on screen work. Utterly unwatchable for the viewer and UN satisfying on ANY level. Casting and acting was NOT believable. The over all review of this film was that the script was too bland and needed a 'punch' or colorful finish.


This film held my interest for about 15 minutes and then I got sick and tired of a four letter word being used constantly. Apparently the director and producer thought that this would hold people's interest and then having the gals use the same word. There are locations all over the United States, Iowa corn fields, Las Vegas, Nevada, Kansas and many more. There are some funny scenes and the gals in this picture are all rather stout and really no waists were seen in other words, just plain "Janes" with pudgy bodies. In this film, Rex (Peter Coyote) stumbles upon everything from sex and drugs to political mistrust and extremist conspiracies. As Rex struggles to find himself, what Rex finds is more than he bargained for. This film is rather boring and a big waste of your time to view.

Jim Corveddu (PulpVideo)

This appears to be an allegorical film about the stages many of the 60's radicals went through as they drifted into the 80's. At first, it was about destruction of the system and a creation of an "anti- system." They pass through various stages of identity as they try to find themselves, including Native American teachings and "new age" connections to whales and so forth. Finally, they end up with families and celebrating the Fourth of July on the beach.The stuff about reading minds, I think, is an allegory for how these people thought alike, or perhaps some tribute to Jung's "collective unconscious," or both.In the end, when Nixie/Dixie disappears into the ocean, I think what is being said is that these people were no longer unique (as radicals), but "disappeared" into the "ocean" of everyday people living everyday lives. The final images of the amusement park, then, may be allegory for the USA itself.The thing is, even though I think I understand what the film was trying to say, I still think it blows and that I wasted my time watching it. Thankfully, most people who will be duped into buying the DVD by Danny Glover's and Peter Coyote's pictures on the cover (as I did), will be getting it from the "bargain bin," and paying only a dollar or so for it. As for the 88 minutes spent watching it...
