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Pieces of Dreams

Pieces of Dreams (1970)

September. 23,1970
| Drama Romance

A young priest questions his faith after he falls in love with a social worker.


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***SPOILERS*** Actor Robert Forster who plays the moody and not quite sure of himself Father Greg Lind was on a roll when he stared in "Pieces of Dreams". That's after making the big time as a Hollywood leading man as the bareback horse riding GI in "Reflections in a Golden Eye" and the hard nose freelance photographer in "Midum Cool". But here he in his dead pan and emotionless style of acting a what looks like at times completely confused and befuddled Forster comes across like a lamb lost in the woods! Not only in his part as the kind and feeling Father Lind but his having trouble to convey his feelings to the audience as well as his fellow actors and actresses on the screen.Father Lind has been going through a number of life changing events in the movie with one of his parishioners young Raimundo Baca being shot dead during a bank robbery in downtown Albuquerque New Mexico. The tragedy of Raimundo's death has been farther compounded in Father Lind finding out that his girlfriend 15 year-old Estella Rios, Kathy Baca, is now two months pregnant with his child! With having an abortion out of the question with both Estella and her mom Mrs. Rios, Merion Martinez, being devote Catholicsit's determined by everyone involved,including Father Lind, that she should go full term and have the baby. This turns out to be fatal for both Estella and child as she miscarriages and dies in the emergency ward together with her new born baby.Feeling lost and losing faith in his work in the church Father Lind is now, as if he needed any more problems, confronted by pretty social worker Pam Gibson, Lauren Hutton. It's Pam who was helping the late Raimundo Baca with his pressing problems at the Well Street Community Center before the hammer, gun trigger, came down on him. It's not too long that Father Lind falls in love with Pam and ends up breaking his vows, by having an affair with her, of celibacy as a Catholic priest. Now knowing that he's living and working a lie Father Lind tries to leave the priesthood but at the same time keep his involvement with Pam secret from his boss Father Schaeffer, Ivor Francis, who has a slight inkling, with all the gossip flying around in the church, of what Father Lind is keeping from him.It takes a while for Father Lind to make his decision of what to do but first he takes time off and drives back home to Kansas City to tell his mother,Edih Atwater, of his future plans: Leave the priesthood and marry Pam Gibson. This not only has his mom break down in tears but has Father Lind have some kind of life changing event happen to him as well. Deciding to see how life is in the red light district of town Father Lind is not only made to look like a fool, in not quite knowing what to do, when he tries to pick up a hooker at a local bar but is set up by her to be robbed by her companions very probably her pimps. The two sleaze balls before they worked Father Lind over In the bars mens room used the phony excuse of him making uncalled for sexual advances towards them to beat and rob him blind! ***SPOILERS*** Finally finding his place in life Father Lind decides not to wait to be excused from the priesthood but jumps the gun and quits before the decision, from the church's higher ups,can come in which would take as long as six months. Being free to marry Pam the now just plain Greg Lind can begin a new life for himself but still have his conscience, of his many past mistakes and mess ups, to contend with and keep him awake at night.


I watched this movie on TMC and was surprised it had the unique content for the 70's. This movie was a little before it's time.(but then maybe NOT!)For the baby boomers, we had to struggle with "love vs religion" , and find our own pathways. The couple seem to fit together, and opposites attract. And are they just that. OPPOSITE!I just enjoyed watching this movie and understand both sides of their feelings 100%. So pragmatic! love it!The title is a tiny bit misleading, but the movie is awesome!


William E. Barrett's novel "The Wine and the Music" turned into trite Problem Solving movie of today (circa 1970). A young priest in Albuquerque is burdened with housewives who want to go on the Pill and teenagers who want to drop acid--but who is he to give holy advice when a pretty social worker has him contemplating his vows? Simple-minded drama, romanticizing then-current issues, has not a wisp of wit. The tinkly background score by Michel Legrand (and the Oscar-nominated title song co-written by Legrand with Alan & Marilyn Bergman) seems to belong to a different picture altogether, while Robert Forster (speaking in a laconic monotone) broods sexily, like a caged cat. Overall production (including a romantic montage at the lake and in the snow) is in the style of a cigarette advertisement. *1/2 from ****

John Seal

Pieces of Dreams plays like an afterschool special writ large or an overambitious TV movie of the week. Robert Forster is the hip young priest in Alburquerque, Lauren Hutton the attractive young social worker, and together they make beautiful if decidedly profane music. Forster tries to balance his love for Hutton with his love for the Church, but must come to terms with his pledge of celibacy (a rule that the Monsignor, played by Will Geer, confidently predicts will soon be changed or eliminated!). The film tries to be honest and earnest but is predictable every step of the way, complete with happy ending and cloying theme song. There's even a acid head in granny glasses waiting to be saved by Forster. Overall, a relatively painless but not terribly inspiring 90 minutes.
