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Tiger Orange

Tiger Orange (2014)

July. 26,2014
| Drama

In the small Central California town where they grew up, two estranged gay brothers struggle to reconnect after the recent death of their father.


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Joe Day

No one seems to mention this is a play on the Biblical Prodigal Son. As such, it is interesting that the leads are homosexual. Imagine if, in the Bible, that is why the younger son left!I have only seen about 20 minutes and I could already tell, from the body ink of the lost son, that he was a porn star, amateur or otherwise since that is how they look nowadays. It is also interesting that, as in the Bible, the younger son goes off to live a life of total debauchery and comes home because regardless of his "charm and talent", no one wants him for anything but his body either and they get tired of that too - been there, done that, see ya, it's been fun, etc.I can also tell that the Elder Brother is a bit envious of the daring do of his little brother although I do not think he would like it for long.The setup had the father, who by all accounts was a good one, simply admonishing his young sons against sodomy. What is so bad about that? Nowadays, I guess it is child abuse. Sigh.So the younger son resented Daddy; he stole Barbie Dolls from his school friends and of course this was cool because he had already seen Big Brother's Blue Boy mag. Did they fool around ever?And then he went off to seek his fortune or to get out of that stinkin small town where nobody can be gay, yadda yadda yadda. And of course he has that "look" that gets you picked up in 10 seconds because well, you have that "look." Are we supposed to blame all his problems on daddy?I am on a gay film fest this week just to see what the world is propagandizing in that area. Next, some flick about gay boys who like "bears." It's a comedy so should be hilarious, huh?


Tiger Orange is a generally quiet, small town queer drama, much like the film Pit Stop. The film looks good and is adequately acted.The story feels believable even with a sort of gimmick of two gay brothers, one an I'll-do-what-I-want rebel and the other a do-what-needs-done good son.The character of the good son nails the small town gay man who is single and avoids drawing attention to himself. The rebel son is something of a shallow character and though he definitely seems realistic there's little to like about him, the only reason to even care about the character is he's important to the good son.Tiger Orange's greatest shortcoming is it runs a bit long. two thirds into the film I was losing interest and when the film ended I realized I'd only half paid attention to the final scenes. Still, I'd rather have quite believably than melodrama that feels tacked on for the sake of spicing things up.It's worth watching if you're a fan of queer film and it's definitely than a lot of queer film options.


A well done and, as far as I know, a unique story concept. Not sure how rare it is for two brothers to be gay, but the situation was quite believable."Johnny Hazzard," the former porn star, turned in an exceptionally good performance. He is obviously multi-talented.Two gay sons of a small town hardware store owner turn out to be totally different personalities. Todd, the younger brother left home for LA. He is brash, angry, confrontational. Chet, the old brother stays at home, looks after his father during his final illness and death,continues to run the father's hardware store. He is an introvert, lacks self-confidence and has become resigned to a solitary life. He is openly gay and is accepted within the small community because he isn't in anyone's face about his orientation.When Todd leaves LA and returns to the small town because he is unemployed and without money, he definitely stirs up the town and unsettles Chet as they try to reconcile and reconnect.The acting was great. Todd/Johnny Hazzard makes the movie come alive. The young man who plays the local police officer also did an excellent job.Well developed plot and some thought-provoking issue resolutions. Definitely a worthwhile movie to see.

Luca Raciti

The movie is great. Strano and Valenti give life to two brothers who really seem to be real. Two different characters together in struggle to be themselves. In conflict with their inner being and apparently between them, they give life to the sense of brotherhood which should be between two brothers and also friends. One who tries to be as much free as he can, the other one close to the sense of family. Both will get to the same goal eventually being in a brotherhood of love and free. Director manages to express the loneliness of both different characters, the tireness of life till they find themselves in the end. I recomnend everyone to watch this movie because it has a powerful message for everyone.
