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John and Mary

John and Mary (1969)

December. 14,1969
| Drama Romance

John and Mary meet in a singles bar, sleep together, and spend the next day getting to know each other.


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Emil Bakkum

This film really moves me, because it addresses themes that pervaded my youth. Dustin Hoffman had already impressed me in this sensual film The Graduate (with sound track by the talented Simon and Garfunkel). Mia Farrow did the same thing in the illustrious TV series Peyton Place. Perhaps the relation of John and Mary is less sensual, but it is certainly equally daring. The attraction between them is almost tangible. Their relationship is a continuous oscillation between detachment and passion. There is a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can not get away. Both of them are willing to explore the limits, and to risk losing the other. Just imagine, she does not want to kiss on her first date. He asks: "How about on your last date?" Often (but not always!) they have conflicting perceptions, and both have hidden frustrations in the closet. She has been on so many blind dates, that she should get a free dog. Although they are common people, they are extremely self-confident. Moreover, the film avoids a cheap straining after effect, and the narrative seems credible. This makes their thoughts and behavior truly fascinating, at least for me. They even create some suspense and fun. He tells her that he has bought two tickets for the theater - she has two room mates (just kidding). Still, the film has some complexities, for the plot presents controversial morals, even nowadays. It evokes the illusion, that instant sex builds relations. On the other hand, John and Mary are in danger of exploiting each other. For instance, they exchange names only after 24 hours (this is not a joke!). Depending on your own views, this could make the film challenging or perhaps sleazy. It creates ambiguous feelings, which certainly makes you ponder. I must definitely watch this film again.


Dustin Hoffman was one role post his Oscar nominated Midnight Cowboy and Mia Farrow was one role away from her groundbreaking Rosemary's Baby when they were teamed for John And Mary. It's a film typical of the times, hook up first and then get to know each other. Mia's already got an involvement with a public official played by Michael Tolan who takes off on surreptitious rendezvous only to pack her off when word of the wife or any and all of his 6 kids are around. As for Hoffman he's got a cornucopia of issues most of them centering around his mother played here by Olympia Dukakis.John And Mary is chronicling the Sixties sexual revolution and at least what we see of Hoffman and Farrow's characters they would certainly be recognized by today's audience. Of course there weren't a lot of sexually transmitted diseases then, when they burst on the scene that made a lot of people act more prudently than John And Mary seem to.I never really got into the characters in this film. Still it's a good time snapshot of New York on the cusp of the Seventies.


I saw this film when it opened in 1969. My memory may be clouded by the past, but I remember enjoying the teaming of Mia Farrow and Dustin Hoffman very much.Both actors are very good in this movie. It's a small intimate two character story and depicts the "one-night" stand morals that were just beginning to take hold. The conceit is they don't ask each other's name until the end.Mia had just completed "Rosemary's Baby" and Dustin had "The Graduate." They were young and especially successful as actors. I highly recommend it, if you can find it.


This is a low-key, easy going and wonderfully realistic movie, about how people react to one another when they are trying to begin a relationship out of nothing. John and Mary meet each other, have sex and wake up knowing next to nothing about each other. Mary has her history of relationships where she wasn't valued and John has history with feeling abandoned and used.We follow them throughout their day, hear and see their thoughts and begin to understand why they say and do, the things they do in regards to each other.Their cognitive distortions are apparent and made entertaining by the movies style and humor.This movie is under-rated and possibly misunderstood. If you are looking for a ridiculous, meaningless, romantic comedy, full of pop songs and cliched plot twists, you'll have to look elsewhere. But if you are looking for a laid-back, emotional piece of life, then this movie will be one to see.9 out of 10.
