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Christmas Every Day

Christmas Every Day (1996)

November. 30,1996
| Fantasy Family TV Movie

Billy Jackson is not having a good Christmas. He got a basketball for Christmas and just cannot make a jump shot. His Uncle David is coming to town to open a ValueMall, which will put his Dad's store out of business. When he tells his little sister Sarah that there is no Santa, she makes a wish that it would be Christmas every day. Billy now has to relive Christmas Day over and over again.


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I thought this movie was enjoyable. It was a little predictable but most Chistmas movies are. It was well acted and well presented - they casting choices were solid. It would certainly be suitable for children to watch, and it is something you can show your elderly relatives too. The dilemmas the boy in the movie faced and his different solutions were realistic. This movie is upbeat and amusing. But, it also deals with traditional Christmas themes and the problems with focusing on yourself versus the satisfaction of focusing on others. So many Christmas movies feel the need to be heart wrenching and dramatic - this one is primarily feel good.If you are expecting Hitchcock - then pass. If you are looking for a feel good Christmas movie that kids and adults would enjoy (except maybe the most hardboiled action movie junkie) this is a good choice.


My wife, daughter, and I caught this made-for-television film recently on the ABC Family Channel. It was upbeat and unpredictable, though somewhat forgettable. However, if you continue to be fascinated by the GROUNDHOG DAY premise of the same day being repeated over and over--somewhat like a manipulative dream--then it may be worth a look. (Note: The lead male actor provided the voice for "Sid" in Disney's TOY STORY.) My personal carps are few. I did not, for example, understand why the young blond girl was so important to the thirteen-year-old protagonist. (There were several fantastic opportunities to manipulate his family and his community that he passed up during his quest to score a simple date.)


This movie has been played on the same station, same time, every Christmas Day since 1997. Since this year is no exception, it has become almost family tradition for it to be watched. Over all I like the movie based on a Ground-hog day genre. The characters are funny and Erik VD, is a joy to watch.


I saw this movie one night, and it really cracked me up! The look that has Billy every morning when he hears the exact same Christmas cheers is hilarious! It's funny how he knows how each day is going to turn out, since he keeps living the same day over and over, and how he's adjusting the same day every day until it stops.Watch this movie. It can give you a real, good laugh!
