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Venus & the Sun

Venus & the Sun (2011)

March. 10,2011
| Fantasy

Model and Page 3 favourite Keeley Hazell thinks she's solved all her problems by taking up an unexpectedly high-brow hobby: translating Latin. The language has given her magical powers, enabling her to ward-off the frenzied attention of her adoring fans, and the British Library offers an ideal refuge from the hordes. But when she meets Adam, the one Sun-reader in the country she hadn't bargained for, Keeley is given a lesson in not judging books by their covers. Her journey of discovery will reveal just how far she's come to rely on the advantages of fame. A warped retelling of Ovid's most famous myth, Venus and Adonis, and a comic study of society's obsession with the image.


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Okay, I'm a Keeley Hazell fan, big-time. I'll watch her do nearly anything for 15 minutes so why not pay $0.99 so support my favourite British pinup girl on my phone?Still, I was hoping for a bit more. The movie had too much intro for a short film and drifted through clichés without ever really getting started with anything. The production was nice though, lots of colour and warmth. The animation was groovy too. I was hoping to get a chance to see Keeley outside of the photo world, where she could explore her sensuality with sound and movement as well but I don't think she got the opportunity here. I find people with modeling experience are often excellent at conveying emotion with their faces and bodies but may fall short when it comes to dialogue. I saw lots of evidence of the former and not much of the latter so here's hoping for a future in acting for Ms. Hazell. I thought Keeley was compelling in the moments the film presented and Will Smith and Ukweli Roach were both engaging. I just would have liked another 30 minutes or so. I would also like to comment on the App part of the experience. I think it's great that we can download movies to our computers or phones. I chose my phone. I like keeping movies on my phone for those unexpected waits so this works out well. I don't like that the app doesn't save your place in the movie so you have to scroll every time you start re-watching. If you want to watch it on your laptop you can get the $5 version from http://www.venusandthesun.com. Included with the movie photos are a few snippets of the storyboard which was interesting. There are a few other things included with the app but none that really do anything for me. I have never played spin-the-bottle but it's an okay toy to have, not sure how you would come off to the crowd after you show everyone you have the Venus & The Sun movie app but it's your world. The asking question part is a throwaway; I would have preferred some recordings of her saying sexy snippets. "I will love you always PHILIP J FRY" sort of thing. The Boarometer is even more of a throwaway. Overall I'm glad I bought it and I have already watched it a couple of times so definitely worth the 99 cents. If nothing else I have to support people that sell me movies for a dollar.
