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Wound (2010)

July. 26,2010
| Fantasy Horror Thriller

Wound is a supernatural horror that explores the dark worlds of mental illness, incest, revenge and death. We follow Tanya as she searches for the mother she has never met – a mother who gave her up for dead after being abused by her own father who remains stuck in her present life. Tanya returns from the dead to confront and possess her mother with all her deepest fears and desires, sending Susan into a state of madness and gore filled retribution. A dark, disturbing look into a haunted woman’s mind. This is one terrible dream you will never wake up from.


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This psycho-sexual horror isn't for all the horror buffs walking around because it doesn't contain straight horror but it tricks your mind into a depraved ride between humiliation and incest.Made by David Blythe who gave us Death Warmed Up (1984) before we ever heard of Peter Jackson was a well known kiwi exploitation director. And it shows because this is to be honest another exploitation flick. It do has nudity but one of that kind that isn't attractive and surely isn't for the easily offended. It contains some red stuff here and there and even that can shock people, just see the shower scene once the daughter discovers the blood of her mother. David didn't add gore in it but at the final we do have a slashing that is ultra gory. But many will have turned it off because it's such a weird flick, in the line of Eraserhead (1977°. I like those kind of flicks were they go into the mind of sick people like for example The Dead Girl (2006). I found the acting sublime by all. A supernatural sickie that takes you back to the old school exploitations. Full of weird shots and offending sexuality. A classic.Gore 1/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 1/5 Story 3,5/5 Comedy 0/5


When a film opens by mercilessly depicting a penis being gruesomely castrated with a pair of scissors, you know that, if nothing else, you're in for something interesting. And Wound is just that, unrelenting for its entire 77 minute runtime.A mere five minutes following the genital mutilation, a nude, submissive housewife is tortured by her "master" in front of a camera. The nightmarish imagery does not end there. Other eccentric scenes include an animalistic rape by a man in a pig mask, incestuous teat suckling and a nasty birthing scene featuring a deformed, blood-spewing vagina.As a result of the questionable content, Wound stirred up a bit of controversy in its home country of New Zealand. While people unfamiliar with the genre might make a fuss about it, the graphic content doesn't hold a candle to the likes of A Serbian Film or even The Human Centipede. Nothing but overblown claims to drum up press.Between the bizarre sequences lies the perplexing story of a mother uniting with her daughter. The plot is not easy to follow, but there are two sides to the story. On one hand, an orphan, Tanya (Te Kaea Beri), searches for the mother that she has never met. Meanwhile, the mother, Susan (Kate O'Rourke), believes that her unborn daughter is taking over her life.Susan struggles with metal illness, which accounts for the film's nonlinear structure. Acclaimed filmmaker Ken Russell (The Who's Tommy) hailed the movie as a "masterpiece." While I wouldn't go that far, Wound does share the unsettling, dreamlike atmosphere with Russell's Altered States.Writer/director David Blyth has been in the industry for some 35 years, but Wound feels more like an independent filmmaker's early attempt at experimentation with controversial issues. Blyth, whose most notable effort is helming a handful of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers episodes, recently took off the better part of a decade to focus on documentary work. Wound marks his return to features and, perhaps, a rebirth as a director as well.


OK, if you read the other reviews you find out this is a bad movie. And I am going to help you out here.This movie is about an insane woman that went through a disturbing childhood (Incest and S & M). So grown up she is much the same way. OK, why should you not watch this movie? It is very convoluted which is alright if they tie it together in the end. They do not. David Blyth who wrote and directed was clearing trying to tell a story. The problem is he never lets you know what story he is telling. There is a lot of artsy camera work, dream scenes, the whole "boy isn't this movie Vanguard" kind of thing, but you will keep asking yourself "why" and that questions is never answered.Save yourself some time, this movie does not tell a story which is what movies are supposed to do, even bad ones. In the end it is just a bunch of scenes put together and that is it. The story David Blyth had in mind with this movie regretfully stayed in his mind and did not make it on the screen.

Joe BagOhDonuts

This film doesn't even deserve a one star rating. The actors and actresses, special effects are way beyond horrible. The simple fact is that an elementary school child could have made a better film. What truly amazes me are all the positive reviews of this dribble labeled a film. I only could stand to watch about 2 minutes before I just had to turn it off. Any positive reviews come from people either smoking their own supply or just simply paid off lackeys trying to generate some type of income for the film. Do not even waste your time watching this trash. In my opinion a root canal would be more enjoyable then having to suffer anymore than five minutes of this movie. Anyone else who says otherwise is just outright living in fantasy land.
