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Cadaver (2006)

August. 24,2006
| Horror

In Bangkok, the medical student Mai has her first contact with cadavers in the anatomy class; however, after touching the dead body, she is haunted by the ghost of a woman. The dean Professor Winai advises her to follow another career, but her Professor Prakit offers to help Mai to supersede her fears and beliefs. When Mai sees the picture of Ning Priatyda, the girlfriend of her former boyfriend Tos, she recognizes the ghost and decides to investigate Ning, discovering that the young woman is missing. Later she finds that her tenant Noi has seen the ghost of Ning many times at her house. When the security guard Swai calls Mai, she discovers a dark secret about the fate of Tos and Ning.


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Claudio Carvalho

In Bangkok, the medical student Mai (Natthamonkarn Srinikornchot) has her first contact with cadavers in the anatomy class; however, after touching the dead body, she is haunted by the ghost of a woman. The dean Professor Winai (Komgrich Yuttiyong) advises her to follow another career, but her Professor Prakit (Nirut Sirichanya) offers to help Mai to supersede her fears and beliefs. When Mai sees the picture of Ning Priatyda, the girlfriend of her former boyfriend Tos, she recognizes the ghost and decides to investigate Ning, discovering that the young woman is missing. Later she finds that her tenant Noi has seen the ghost of Ning many times at her house. When the security guard Swai calls Mai, she discovers a dark secret about the fate of Tos and Ning."Sop" has an original and promising story, but is flawed. The great questions are how could Mai forget what happened with Tos and why Prof. Prakit would have such unethical behavior? Just to help Mai? But Swai witnessed the accident; therefore there would be a minor consequence to Mai if they call the police. Now I have just found that "Unrest" is another remake of an Asian movie, without any credit to "Sop". My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Assombração" ("Ghost")
