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Idiot Box

Idiot Box (1997)

March. 06,1997
| Drama Comedy Thriller

Mick and Kev – bored, unemployed and aimless in the western suburbs of Sydney – decide to rob a bank, more or less for the fun of it.


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The first comment I must make about this film is that the characters are so Australian. This is not surprising considering that it is an Australian Film, but the thing is is that the characters are genuine. It is as if the makers followed some around and took down all of their mannerisms and speech patterns. I was seriously convinced that Mick and Kev were genuine.This movie was a comedy, and I really did not find it that funny. The funniest scene was when they were being chased down the street by a guy in a koala suit after stealing his money bucket. Other than that, there was not much that I found really funny about the movie. Yet as an Australian film, I think that it continues to set the standard. We don't go for fancy effects, but rather real characters, and the characters in Idiot Box are real.The movie is based around two unemployed bums, Mick and Kev. They think they know everything, but really don't. Mick fancies himself a poet and Kev fancies himself important. Mick at least has a go at being a poet, Kev is simply a looser, and very much like some Australians that I know. He is an idiot that thinks that he can think when he really cannot. He is the one that gets everybody around him into trouble, and then blames them for stuffing up. He can never do any wrong, yet he himself just can't stay out of trouble.Mick and Kev want to rob a bank. They think they can do it, but as the film progresses they seriously do not know what they are getting into. The police aren't onto them, but rather trying to stop a group that has been successfully robbing a lot of banks. Kev and Mick just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.What I liked about this was that I could not predict the ending. I knew that they could not pull off the robbery because they simply do not know what they are doing. In fact they seem to make more enemies than friends. Their self centred attitudes, especially Kev's, seems to alienate them. Kev is the leader of the two, and the cover shows that because Kev is running ahead of Mick with a serious look on his face, while Mick is laughing.Idiot Box also gives us an idea of what it is like on the dole, but they are not seriously looking for a job, rather they just bludge around home and the pub. Mick and Kev are dole bludgers and as such we do not feel any sympathy for them. If anybody, we feel more sympathy for Mick because he actually seems like a nice guy. Kev is simply just shallow because he refuses to let his emotions out. When Mick meets up with a young lady, we begin to see another side of him, a side that is sensitive and loving, and we feel that he is being dragged into something by Kev.What is also interesting is that they are not made heroes at the end of the movie, and as such I feel that this raises the movie about the typical Hollywood garbage. The characters in this movie are in way over their heads, and are so fortunate that they are given a second chance.


i thought this movie was really cool when it came out dark, funny,real. filled with jerks and sensitive people good bad and ugly. Overall still enjoyable. I loved the music i loved jeremy sims and robyn loau. I also thought ben mendelson was awesome in his character. Maybe you don't get Aussie humour. Thats OK But there are lots of others who do! Sure The Boys is good but not as funny and enjoyable as Idiot Box. I would recommend this and Two Hands, and another movie that has bryan Brown and Toni Collette in it its set in the 60s, its very good, not that old, as some beaut Aussie films. plus Shine by Scott Hicks brilliant movie,


What is needed for this film is a cultural reference point, that is some sort of experience/insight to suburban Australian life.As anyone who has ever lived or spent time in the western suburbs of Sydney will no doubt know, the options for fun and excitement are, to say the least, somewhat limited. All that exists is a cycle of bad straight tovideo movies, longnecks in the park, and conversations with a selection of dodgy blokes in pubs... Now with that background in place, we come to idiot box. The film, although a comedy, is no satire. It is more an accurate representation of the pointlessness and utter boredom of the Sydney suburbs an draws its humor from such. A feeling of subdued frustration prevails in this film, in fact it is the general theme of it. The characters plan to rob a bank, however woefully conceived, is an extension on this, a philosophy that it does not matter whether they succeed, fail or even try, it matters only that they have done SOMETHING. Idiot Box resonates with Sydneysiders, with Australians, it is an extremely relevant and poignant representation of a culture of boredom and frustration,a culture that lays its blame for this othersat the feet of others. It is not a film that translates well to other cultures.

Nick Dets

David Caesar was obviously fueled by the energetic 90's film revolution of films like "Pulp Fiction" and "Trainspotting" to make an Aussie crime story/satire. Unfortunately, "Idiot Box" does not even deserve the mention of those two films in my review. The film's plot is awkward and unfocused. It chronicles the adventures of two hopeless losers Kev and Mick as they party and rebel against society. They seem to be always watching some kind of violent material on TV (hence the title), that leads to their decision to rob a bank. The events following are muddled and contrived. The dialogue is absolutely embarrassing. There is a scene where Mick makes his way home from getting some brew, when he sees an attractive, but lonely liquor shop owner waiting for business. He is somewhat familiar with her, but not enough to start conversation with her by saying "What's poetry?". Why Caesar felt the need to open the scene like that is beyond me. Was he trying to give Mick depth? Does he honestly think someone has ever initiated a relationship by asking "What's poetry?". What's worse than this touch is her reaction. A completely normal, unquestioning response! They call TV the idiot box because some believe watching enough of it leads to feeble-mindedness. Watching an hour and a half of this movie will do the same thing to you, so I would strongly recommend TV instead.
