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Snuff (1976)

January. 16,1976
| Horror

The followers of a charismatic cult leader set out to murder a pregnant actress.


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Naturally, with a title like this is certainly will attract people who love movies like "Saw" and 'Hostel" who have never seen it, even if this movie is more than 30 years old. Not only did it not stand the test of time, it is godawfull to begin with. The story centers around some kind of Charles Manson cult, who kill people. It even has a charismatic leader, or at least that is what we are supposed to believe. The actor in question is pretty bad, but that goes for the entire cast. This movie is really cheap and amateuristic on every level. The so-called effects are cheap with blood that looks more orange than red. It really is hard to watch this 'movie' till the end but you have to in order to find out why it is called 'snuff': in the last 5 minutes you're supposed to think that the crew of the movie really kills a girl and cuts her open. Supposed to, because even Stevie Wonder can see that it is fake and badly done. That last segment has nothing to do with the other 60 minutes. And that is the only positive thing, the running time is short. Maybe it was shocking to some (a couple of) people in it's time, but please, do not bother. You have been warned...


I do not want to repeat former comments about the low quality of this film but as a fan of Joe Bob Briggs I do give it one breast for 2-3 gratuitous topless scenes and 1 lacy pantie scene. Perhaps it should have been subtitled Snuff w/ a little naughty stuff. It is a good 100 min of escape and enjoyment if you accept that most films are made on a shoestring and this one did not disappoint on a dollar for dollar basis. Think Waterworld and Heaven's Gate. Movies should be seen as entertainment kind of like jokes or short stories. There are classic jokes (The Aristocrats) and classic short stories (Gift of the Magi), but bad jokes and bad short stories don't mean the genre is bad. Roll with campy humor/horror. It is one of the last vestiges of the vaudeville concepts of over the top presentations


Snuff is in no way a good movie, I should start with that. I hadn't even heard of this movie until recently and figured that it should be in my library. It is worth a viewing, I will give it that. And it is not the movie that makes it worth your time, it is the end.The plot begins with several women on motorcycles who go off and kill this girl for "Holding out on them". Then we meet Sattan (I think that is his name) who is a Charlie Manson wannabe. He apparently has control over these woman and can make them do whatever he wants. Next, we are introduced to an actress coming into South America with her director to start filming a new movie. She meets up with an old flame and then the director is murdered by the crazy women. The storyline goes back and forth from the wannabe Manson family to the actress all leading up to a bunch of random hilarious murders.This movie was a struggle to sit through due to its extremely slow first half. Things do finally pick up when a new girl joins up with the wannabe Manson family and starts telling her tale. After that, we just see a lot of silliness and a great scene at a general store in which the women murder everyone there. Look for the girl in the scene whose mother has just been murdered because her acting is priceless. Finally, the end of the movie is really what makes it all worth while. The director in the end tries to simulate an actual murder. The results are silly for todays standards but was still pretty nifty looking with a pair of clippers chopping off fingers and ripping out guts. I liked it, even if it was fake. So if you read this review ignore the low rating the movie gets on IMDb, which is like a 2/10. I would give this movie a 7/10 for enjoyment and the end sequence.


A film director with his actress girlfriend flies to Argentina so they can film a porno movie over there. The filmmaker's girlfriend Terri begins to fall for a wealthy millionaire who impregnates her making the movie canned, a punk lady who lives in the mansion with her gang friends led by their murderous leader known as Satan whom wants her unborn child for a sacrifice in Satan's battle against the rich.Grotesque and infamous horror crime thriller that has been known as one of the most controversial movies of the 70's! it's not a bad movie but very flawed in terms of plotting and some parts of the movie. When this movie came out in 1976 in some theaters, it has been pulled out as one of the sickest hoaxes ever as people thought the film were actually murdered but they were not really as it was all acting, the company behind this movie did some fake protesting outside the theaters this was shown especially some investigations on the film as it turned out it was a fraud.The idea of the movie is to make people sick and i think that's what the director intended especially on making people think that this is real stuff going on. There are some vicious rape and faked gory murder scenes including a cringe inducing scene involving fingers getting cut off with sheers, a funk-a-delic 70's soundtrack and some bland performances in this downright dirty but somewhat kind of over-hyped flick that is truly not for the weak minded.Also recommended: "Men Behind The Sun", "Caligula", "Re-Animator", "Cannibal Ferox", "8MM", "Se7en", "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer", "Saw 1 & 2", "Hostel", "Wolf Creek", "High Tension", "Blood Feast 1 & 2", "Blood Diner", "Natural Born Killers", "Fight Club", "Driller Killer", "Bloodsucking Freaks", "Pink Flamingos", "Blue Velvet", "Silence of the Lambs", "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series and 2003 remake", "Last House on The Left", "I Spit on Your Grave", "Maniac ( 1980)", "The Gore Gore Girls", "Wizard of Gore", "Basket Case", "I Drink Your Blood", "Pieces", "The Untold Story", "Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky", "Ichi The Killer", "Day of the Dead", "Jungle Holocaust" ( a.k.a. Last Cannibal World), "Blood Diner", "House of 1000 Corpses", "The Devil's Rejects", "Black Christmas", "Beyond The Darkness: Buio Omega", "Unhinged", "The Exterminator", "The Toxic Avenger", "Don't Go Near The Park", "Scarface", "Cannibal Holocaust".
