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Psycho Cop

Psycho Cop (1989)

November. 28,1989
| Horror

Officer Joe Vickers would probably make a good policeman if it weren't for his two nasty habits. Firstly, he is a devoted satanist; secondly - he likes to kill people. When he meets a group of teenagers spending their vacation in a wood hut, he decides to investigate...


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Review? I've mislaid it...maybe it's out by the pool! I can't find it anywhere...must ask Eric...but he's not here! Maybe he's out by the pool! I can't find him anywhere! Maybe I'll ask 'insert other name here'! But I can't find him anywhere! Maybe he's out by the pool!What's that noise in the woods - Who's that? Who's that? I know you're out there! C'mon Eric! I know it's you! You weren't out by the pool and weren't bringing beer and I couldn't find you anywhere...it must be you...Wait...a crap cop? ACting really badly? But not by the pool...what the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGHPsycho Cop is crap

Brad Mills

I guess there was a trend in the late 80s of making horrible movies. The film industry was booming, and in order for movies like Jaws to do good, movies like Psycho Cop had to be made.This movie is devoid of any thread of invested time. It seems like the writer/director (Wallace Potts) thought of the idea, wrote it, and filmed it all in the same weekend.For this reason, it is hilarious! This 'horror' film is the funniest of it's genre. All because they were seriously trying to make a good movie. They thought they were doing a good job, and that's why it's funny. All through our history, humor has come from failure...and this movie is the epitome of that philosophy.In the basic common sense, logic and continuity departments, this movie scores a 0 out of 10. Scenes magically switch from day to night, cans of soup go missing and cause more alarm than friends going missing, and - although there's no nudity - characters bathe together for unknown reasons.The killer is a cop who goes psycho - this shown in the opening sequence by him washing his hands in blood, presumably that of the innocent - and one by one he slaughters all of the stereotypical teens who 'just want to party'.Except for two. 2 of the idiotic, horribly acted characters manage to catch on in time and live - and you can tell which ones by their matching tight jeans and plaid button up shirts. The stereotypical 'jock' and the stock 'paranoid girl' find a way to outsmart psycho cop and kill him...WITH A TREE THROUGH THE CHEST.First of all, the big strong jock gets slapped and faints 3 times while psycho cop beats the crap out of his girlfriend, then out of nowhere he gets an inhuman burst of strength, upon which point he picks up a conveniently cut and place LOG and impales psycho cop with it. I'm sorry, but not even adrenaline has the ability to make a blunt log go THROUGH a person.Psycho Cop has the bleuest of cheesy lines. Folks, his kill lines are Moose Cheese. For some reason, he quips "How's the weather?", to a police officer before he kills him. To the young muscly Groundskeeper who just wants his trusty axe back - which we can tell by the CLOSEUP OF A SPRAY PAINTED OUTLINE OF AN AXE IN HIS TOOL SHED - psycho cop raises the axe to his head, at which point the groudskeeper says, "It can't be" (as if he knew about him). To this, crazy old Officer Joe Vickers replies "but it is" and heaves down on the groundskeeper's face...the brave groundskeeper doesn't even let out a scream.HOWEVER, back at the cabin, the teens are listening to music, and the one with HEADPHONES ON takes them off and says, "I think I just heard someone scream." I guess she was watching another version of the movie, in which they noticed OBVIOUS CONTINUITY ERRORS and fixed them.I could write a novel on the Psycho Cop experience, but I'd rather if you watched it with your loved ones and made fun of it yourself. It really is worth the money if you can find it online. I'm currently writing a movie inspired by this horrible film, and I'm filming it in the summer of 2005. Hopefull you might one day see my movie and think, "Wow, this is as bad as Psycho Cop."


Oh God, where do I begin with this one. (Deep breath...) I am shocked and chagrined that this masterwork has not seen the light of day for a DVD release. I would love to hear B.R. Shafer's commentary on how he came up with those hilarious one liners.In a nutshell, a group of personal friends run to the hills for some boozin' and relaxation. Their only two concerns seems to be misplaced beer and the caretaker. They missed one...a devil-worshipping cop who is on the loose and filled with one-liners and bag of tricks on how to kill. Officer Vicker's one line cliches are timely and very funny. The movie is not scary or frightening. It wasn't meant to be since it was written diligently by Wallace Potts on a weekend. It was directed and produced by Potts in about a fortnight. The attire worn by the cast is appropriate for an 80's slasher flick and adds to the air of comedy surrounding this film. The deaths. The deaths are silly, but he employs a variety of methods as a means to killing these youths. Especially when he rips a guy's heart out and follows it with "Have a heart. HA HA". This adds to the brilliance of this movie. I prefer this movie over Manic Cop by Bill Lustig.Overall, a night of laughter and comments like "I cant believe I'm watching this" will fill your living room as you watch this film.Score: 10 out of 10 -- NOTE: a 6 pack should be consumed before and an additional 6 pack should be consumed during.


this movie is briiilllllliant! i laughed all the way through! the acting is terrible, the victims are unbelievably (and hilariously) stupid, and the psycho cop in question gets to utter some of the funniest lines, while laughing, grinning & murdering like a true nutcase! watch this film! you'll love it!
