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Red Riding Hood

Red Riding Hood (2003)

January. 01,2003
| Drama Horror Thriller

A retelling of the classic tale, with Red as a psychotic vigilante.


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This movie is plain and simple an "okay" movie. It's nothing special, but nothing terrible, furthermore it succeeds in places, and drastically fails in others. For starters I'll talk about the main character "Jenny". I could easily see from the beginning of the movie, what the desired effect for the character was, it was the clichéd innocent little girl with an evil twist. And to be honest I got bored with it. I can't tell whether the girls acting was terrible or whether it was the character. I felt no emotion towards any other characters and it can be seen that little time was spent on creating them. The character of Jennys tutor, "Tom" was played by a relatively unknown actor and wasn't that bad, just too simplistic. The grandmother was the only good acting in the film to be honest. Don't even get me started on the character of "George". George is a six foot tall monster that follows Jenny as she does her duty. I think George was created to add some form of horror and mystery into an otherwise dull plot. The morals shown by the main protagonist are so corrupt and predictable, it made me ask the question. "If this girl is so intelligent and all knowing why does she succumb to the things she does?" It made no sense, the director obviously just wanted to add some moral value into the flick, trying to get a reaction, which failed. Is this movie a black comedy, well, it tries to be. One good thing Is the placement of the repetitive music, yes some music was played over and over, but they were used brilliantly. The direction wasn't terrible either. It could have been something great with a better lead actor, and better scriptwriting. All in all 6/10.


This is a retelling of the classic fairytale. Here, Little Red Riding Hood is an obnoxious spoiled brat who is best friends with "the Wolf" (a mysterious figure with a cap and wolf mask, who she believes is her, well, dog.) Instead of venturing out to visit Grandma, they live with her keep her captive, torturing her. Think "Freeway" meets "Misery." I really wanted to love this movie, but I couldn't because the lead actress was so terrible and obnoxious, performing as if she were in a junior high school play. I'm not sure if the ending is a joke that misfired, but I didn't think it was amusing. If you like twisted fairy tales, you probably want to check this out, but be warned, it can get very grating at times.


This story had so much potential... But it was shittily done with crappy equipment, contrived dialogue, shitty camera angles, and an awful actress in the lead role. I HATED this movie. But the concept was pretty neat, and there were boobs, so I believe someone should take it upon themselves to remake it. Since that's unlikely to happen, this movie will most likely go down as the worst version of red riding hood...ever... and also will be inducted into the 100 worst movies hall of fame. I would really like to see someone take this concept, run with it, and do it some justice. As long as someone does this movie with a budget over $5000 dollars, it would probably be a vast improvement.BLOWS MAJOR ASS! SOMEONE PLEEEEASE REMAKE THIS!


This is seriously one of the worst movies, horror or otherwise, that I have seen in a long time. Usually I like low budget and foreign horror films but this was really awful. The acting was bad, the script was written by a senile monkey, the lighting and audio was sub-pare and I couldn't get the Spanish subtitles to turn off. The lead actress needed some serious eyebrow plucking tips and the film makers attempt at symbolism through Don Quiote was done so ham handed that even de Palma would be shocked.I was lured into renting this movie because the box cover looked cool and I thought that I had nothing to lose. Be warned this is an hour and a half of your life that you'll never get back. Unless you have a time machine and even then I don't recommend it.
