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The Ghosts of Edendale

The Ghosts of Edendale (2003)

February. 19,2003
| Horror Western

A young couple moves into a neighbourhood obsessed with the frightening silent movie history that took place 80 years before. As the boyfriend also becomes obsessed, it becomes apparent that something more is happening.


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Found this one in a bargain bin, and decided I might as well give it a shot. Well, I certainly wasn't disappointed! Though it did have the overall feel of an ultra low budget film, the actors weren't bad and all things considered the effects were pretty good. Interesting storyline, added in some partially true Hollywood history which I enjoyed. Methinks Ill have to watch this one a couple more times to try and figure out the ending though. Overall, if you see this in a bargain bin, I say pick it up! Might take awhile to get your head around, but definitely better than a lot of recent low budget garbage.8/10


I grew up in the Hills of the Silverlake area. I study the history of the old red cars and movie studios. Let me tell you there is more to this movie than meets the eye. I really enjoyed the way it was done. Spirits of hard working men and women really do exits. There is something about old Hollywood. The Movie really stirred up memories of my childhood. Digging up old artifacts, and getting spooked out by things in those dark hills. Not to mention the crazy homeless people. Don't be fooled by some of the things that a bigger budget could have fixed. I think to many people miss a good premise if they are so quick to criticize a movie based upon it's shortcomings. Although this movie is low budget I really had a nice evening of it. So sit back, get some popcorn, and just enjoy a little bit of Hollywood history done in a clever fashion.


This is a good little horror movie- Those who praise it seem to understand it more than those who think it's so bad. The acting is pretty good all around- Yes, Paula Ficara is a stand out as the lead, but her husband Steve Wastell is very good as well- along with the rest of the cast. If you don't find the film spooky at all then I think you've become desensitized by all the overblown gore on the market these days. Subtle scares are sometimes more powerful. I prefer film stock, but there are budget restraints sometimes and it's a lot easier to get the performances out of the actors when film cost is a non-issue.Again, Cheers to Stefan Avalos and all the cast and crew of GOE


This was really a treat of a ghost story that combines Hollywood paranoia with some wild history from the silent movie era. I really enjoyed its staying on the subtle side, and all the extras were great! As a filmmaker myself, the "Re-making of a Scene" was really insightful. I'm going to buy The Ghosts for my nephew this Christmas. I want him to learn that in the horror genre, less is often so much more. I loved the first scare -- which came after lulling me into a sense of strange calm -- and I really liked the open ending -- which allowed me to ponder what I think happened in the end. The movie reminds me of the great old films like "Let's Scare Jessica to Death." Great work!
