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Hungerford (2014)

May. 03,2014
| Horror Action Science Fiction

The lives of a group of teenagers are turned upside down when their town is taken over by sinister forces.


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Can I just say that I fully understand that this was probably filmed on a micro-plastic and I applaud the efforts of the team to get a finished project on to the screen. Also you can't help but admire the passion and commitment shown by these youngsters, they achieved something that is very hard to do.That being said this is not a good film. Sorry but I have to be honest. The dialogue is badly written, the acting is sub-par and the plot is full of holes and terrible, unbelievably stupid decisions, for example the car. Plot spoilers coming.Phil sneaks off to get the car in order to redeem herself after putting everyone's lives in danger. In doing this she causes her friends to go looking for her, putting everyone's lives in danger. Dumb idea. Both Phil and Cowen planned to go alone to get the car, early in the morning. Wouldn't it make more sense for EVERYONE to go for the car, providing some safety in numbers and, when they reach the car, they can just drive off without needing to go back to the flat? But, my biggest issue with this scene was that Hungerford wasn't full of abandoned cars. Are you saying that not a single one could be stolen? That, in the emergency, they couldn't just take a walk and find a house with a car in the drive, break into the house to find the keys and just steal the car? They were literally walking past parked cars and vans on the way to find the car at the council offices.That's just one example, there are others. So, can I recommend this film? As a film, not really. But as an example of what some young adults can do with some determination and a camera, yes I can.

Paul Magne Haakonsen

I stumbled upon "Hungerford" on Netflix. I had never heard about the movie prior to finding it here, and nor did I know what it was about. I found it under the horror section, and thus I decided to give it a chance.I shouldn't have.Boy, this was a massive waste of time and effort. I managed to endure a staggering 45 minutes of the ordeal that is "Hungerford" before I gave up from several reasons.First of all, the movie was just blatantly and downright boring. There was nothing interesting in it for me, so my interest was quickly waning.Secondly, it is a handheld video camera recorded movie, one of those "documentary"-like movies. You know, the type of movie you could make yourself with your own digital video camera. That particular type of movie never appealed to me, because I want to watch a movie with a proper production value and a certain level of quality to it, not something I myself could go and make with my friends.Thirdly, the storyline was just boring and uneventful, and it didn't really help that the characters were essentially one and the same. You didn't know where one character ended and the other began. Which meant that you don't care about them in any way.And what was up with the oversized bugs that was controlling people? Interesting? Well, perhaps. I will give them that much. But was it something that helped to improve on the movie? Hardly so.I have no intention of returning to watch the rest of "Hungerford" because it just had nothing to offer me in any way.

Silvia van Gimst

The Blair Witch meets Shaun of the dead meets low budget movie. Good acting and storyline. Very refreshing after all those Hollywood blockbusters. I hope they'll consider a part II. Well done!


I was lucky enough to catch this movie at the Sci Fi London Film Festival 2014, not only was it one of the best movies at the festival it was one of the best movies I saw that year.It is impressive what the Director Drew Casson did on such a limited budget and this film is a credit to all the hard work he and his team put into the project. Though it was limited in budget every penny was stretched to make a glorious and entertaining result.The plot itself is entertaining as is a nice blend of science fiction and Horror.It is a film that is well worth watching and I certainly look forward to a sequel.
