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Blame (2006)

August. 21,2006
| Drama Horror Mystery TV Movie

When nurse Gloria has financial difficulties, her friend Dr. Ana Torres invites her to move with her six year-old daughter Vicky to her old big house where she runs a gynecologic clinic. In return, Gloria will assist Ana in her clinic in the afternoons.


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In this horror movie, the monster is a lesbian gynecologist that kills fetuses at the third month. Aside from thi questionable moral message, the movie is really badly made: characters take choices that don't make any sense, like ignoring the handle of a door that moves alone, laying to hide irrelevant truths or hiding the body of a person murdered in their own house instead of calling the police and try to catch the killer (presumably hidden in the house). Finally, it looks that some parts of the storyline lead to nothing, like the one of the two creepy old sisters, that could be totally removed from the plot without altering anything.


Part of a six-part series of Spanish made-for-TV movies entitled SIX FILMS TO KEEP YOU AWAKE, BLAME is a hard-hitting ghost story about an abortionist. It's a film that's light years ahead of current Hollywood competition and has more in line with the creepy, slow-moving perils of modern Asian horror cinema. That's right: despite the disturbing subject matter, this is an old-fashioned film through-and-through in which the scares come from noises in empty rooms and inexplicable occurrences rather than any shocking killer babies a la the IT'S ALIVE films and their B-movie ilk.Blame benefits from a uniformly excellent cast that includes a young child actress whose fragile yet sinister performance recalls Heather O'Rourke of POLTERGEIST fame. The direction is assured and confident, leading to a beautiful looking movie that makes the best out of its rather mundane, otherwise nondescript locations: the run-down house, for instance, in which much of the film takes place, is almost a character in its own right. In the end, this is a film about the difficult topic of abortion and all the complexities that go with it: it's utterly moving, sometimes heartbreaking and very upsetting. By the end, it's become a far more intelligent and mature reflection on the topic than we, as viewer, had any right to expect, and I can't recommend it enough.

Paul Andrews

Películas Para no Dormir: La Culpa is set in Spain where nurse Gloria (Montse Mostaza) & her young daughter Vicky (Alejandra Lorenzo) decide to move into the large house Doctor Ana Torres (Nieve de Medina) has converted into her surgery, in return for a couple of rooms Gloria will help Ana run her practice. Gloria quickly discovers that Ana specialises in abortions which makes her feel somewhat uncomfortable but she gets on with it. Then just to add to Gloria's unease there seems to be something sinister happening in the attic upstairs...Known amongst English speaking audiences as Blame, one of the six Films to Keep You Awake made for Spanish telly Blame was written & directed by Narciso Ibáñez Serrador & one has to say that I thought it was total crap. Any resemblance between Blame & an actual horror film is purely coincidental, apart from two murders there is nothing to indicate that Blame is a horror film, in fact even with the two murders there's still nothing to indicate Blame was a horror film. The first forty odd minutes is as dull as dishwater, all that happens is Gloria & her daughter move in with Ana who turns out to be a lonely lesbian abortionist! The plot is awful with various subplots that go nowhere, for instance we never find out who Cristina was or what happened to her, Ana's lesbian advances towards Gloria come to absolutely zero while the spooky door which leads directly into the next house & two weird old women is totally forgotten about & comes to nothing. The basic story revolves around abortion but the script is just too weak, it never leans towards either pro abortion or anti abortion & as such you never really get the feeling the makers knew what they wanted to say, if anything. In fact it doesn't really make any moral judgement on abortion at all, at just over seventy odd minutes at least it's short but that still doesn't stop it from being crap. The twist ending is weak, deeply unsatisfying & only confirms that Películas Para no Dormir: La Culpa isn't a horror film & one wonders if it even started out as one.Películas Para no Dormir: La Culpa was shot in Spanish & there's a fair bit of dialogue so the subtitles come & go very quickly, I found it very frustrating that the subtitles disappeared so quickly. I mean I am trying to watch the film, read the subtitles & take it in & I am given less than a second to do so! Also the subtitles appear as pure white letters which often make then impossible to read as they blend into the largely white picture, since everyone is wearing white Doctor's coats & the thing is set in a very sterile, clean & bright location I found the subtitles are sometimes impossible to read. There's no gore in Películas Para no Dormir: La Culpa, no scares, no tension, suspense, no atmosphere & for the vast majority of it's duration Películas Para no Dormir: La Culpa feels like some dull, life draining drama.Tecnically Películas Para no Dormir: La Culpa is alright, it's reasonably well made with decent production values but there's nothing here other than a bland looking house & a few locations in Madrid in Spain where it was shot. The acting is alright but as an English speaker I obviously couldn't tell what they were saying so it's hard to judge.Películas Para no Dormir: La Culpa is absolutely awful, I have seen five of the six so-called Films to Keep You Awake & so far all but one have been terrible. Films to Keep You Awake? Films to send you to sleep more like. If you want to see a great abortion themed horror film then watch the John Carpenter directed Pro-Life (2006) episode from the Masters of Horror telly series, it's much better than this piece of crap.

Claudio Carvalho

When the single mother nurse Gloria (Montse Mostaza) has financial difficulties, her colleague and friend Dr. Ana Torres (Nieve de Medina) invites her to move with her six year-old daughter Vicky (Alejandra Lorenzo) to her old big house where she runs a gynecologic clinic. In return, Gloria would assist Ana in her clinic in the afternoons. Sooner Gloria finds that Ana dedicates to abortion in her clinic, and also that she is lesbian and has a crush on her. When Ana gets pregnant of her lover Javier, Ana proposes an abortion, and after more than three months, the reluctant Gloria accepts her offer with tragic consequences.The underrated "Películas Para No Dormir: La Culpa" is a macabre and very well constructed tale of guilty and madness with an intriguing screenplay with an unpleasant but realistic theme and a surprising plot point. The director Chicho explores the great cast (unknown in Brazil) and the characters are perfectly developed, with magnificent performances of Montse Mostaza, Nieve de Medina and the promising Alejandra Lorenzo. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "O Quarto da Culpa" ("The Room of the Guilty")
