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Project Vampire

Project Vampire (1992)

January. 01,1992
| Horror Action

A vampire scientist psychically charges the "longevity serum" he sells across the world, making all who use it into vampires loyal to him.


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A friend of mine loves tacky horror films so I often get to see low budget stuff like this. This is, however the first time I have been compelled to write a review of one...Put simply this is probably the worst film I have ever seen! Even worse then Boggy Creek II!The entire budget for the film seems to have been spent on a brief scene in the middle when Dr. Klaus stands in this chamber thing & turns all vampire-ish.The only good thing to say about it is that it was hilarious after a few beers (but for all the wrong reasons).


This movie must have had a really low budget, but low doesn't always mean bad. The writing was good, the cinematography is good. The film quality was bad, lighting could have been better. The vampire effects were standard, but the unique concept works. A vampire mad scientist trying to cure the affliction to light so vampires can rule the world. The basic good vs. evil morality play. The acting was a tad corny at best. Less face it, it's far from a perfect movie. But I've seen far worse with much higher budgets. Look at BATTLEFIELD EARTH for example. I think the director, effects man and the whole cast did the best they could with the budget they had and I think they did a damn fine job. I give it...6 STARS


This kind of movie defies description. Could anyone have been "inspired" to make it? It's so difficult to get a movie made in Hollywood, let alone get it distributed in any way. How did this thing come in to existence? It's the type of movie that doesn't look like it can have been created, it was just sort of puked up, like a hairball, and someone swept it up and stuck it on the shelf in a particularly low-rent video store. There's no violence, a little boring softcore sex, pathetic acting and nothing engaging to watch. Which is unfortunate because the director seems to have had an idea about film--the opening with the three guys running around is fantastic, I was pulled in immediately. Moments later I found myself thinking about all the chores I had to do, and watching this shovel-full of pseudo-thriller vampire offal made me WANT to do chores instead of watch t.v. And that, at least, really IS scary! The only treat I found was an extended car chase around Sherman Oaks in 1993, the Tower Records area where I used to hang out during that era. It's all changed now, which is a bummer.See what I mean? How can you talk about a movie this dull without getting distracted? Oh well, I bought it in the Brentwood "Blood Thirst" 4-pack for "The Passing" which is a thoroughly remarkable and surprising low-budget film and worth the price. See that one instead of this, if you can.


How poor is this movie? Well, I got it less than two months ago and can hardly remember what it was about...I also paid a £1 for this on DVD, the old story of 'put-a-new-cover-on-the-box-and-some-fool-will-buy-it' syndrome. All I really recall it that the cast ran around a lot, use of cars must have been too above the budget and that a vampire was involved. Then again, guess you could know that from the film's title.Straight to video rubbish or straight to cheap-jack DVD as it is now. This stuff will be in the bargain bins at rental shops, supermarkets and charity shops until the death of the sun. Only cockroaches will rule the earth but this trash will still be around. God bless the dawn of the DVD age....
