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Marble Hornets

Marble Hornets (2009)

June. 30,2009
| Horror Thriller Mystery

When a film student decides to look through the tapes of a canceled project his friend Alex had directed, and he had participated in, he discovers that his friends have been stalked by a paranormal entity known as the Operator and decides to get himself involved.


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I think that this series has a great amount of suspense and is very intriguing to watch. But there's way too much walking in a forest for me. Of course there's usually interesting events occurring during this time, but it's still a lot. It gets boring after a while. The first few episodes aren't too entertaining either. Its best to watch it sped up. For not having a huge amount of money to produce this, it's very well put together. The editing is pretty good and if you can get into it, I'm sure you will be very entertained.


====Spoiler Alert====Several years ago, while scouring for Slenderman related media, following his fast rising presence on the internet and beyond, I came across Marble Hornets. The story revolves at first around a man named Jay who discovered tapes given to him by Alex Kralie, a friend from college whom moved away three years earlier, in the back of his closet. These tapes contained bits and pieces of Alex's behind the scenes work on his student filmed (aptly named Marble Hornets). What they also contained was the presence of The Operator who seemed to be following Alex around everywhere he goes, adversely affecting him and his crew. Jay begins to investigate what was going on during the shooting of Marble Hornets and is violently thrust into a world of horrors and mysteries he could never have been prepared for.The very first entry introduces The Operator (Marble Hornet's version of Slenderman) in a subtle yet powerful way. The moment you see that head twist you'll feel as if the monster is looking directly at you and not at the character filming it. And it is at that point you are drawn into the world of Marble Hornets forever.I saw the Blair Witch Project in theaters when I was 11 years old and watching Marble Hornets found footage style made me feel like I was back in that theater in 1999 and still does every time I watch it. It delivers that wonderful feeling of nostalgia while simultaneously providing new thrills that will leave you on the edge of your seat as you look for The Operator in the background of every video, hoping not to see him but at the same time desperately wanting to.The series is not without its minor flaws (abandoned plot lines, actors/actresses becoming unavailable to return, etc.) But the minor issues with it are far outweighed by the story line which does not try to be too subtle or too powerful, providing small pieces of the larger puzzle for the viewers to fill in as they go. Marble Hornets is just that: a puzzle. One that keeps drawing viewers back in to find the pieces needed to understand its intricate plot. But be prepared to have more questions at the end of each entry than answers. Marble Hornets beauty is in its simplicity. Less is more. It doesn't go overboard with special effects save for the distortions and blending of jump cuts which are used sparingly but effectively. It is not over complicated or difficult to understand what is happening but at the same time not watered down to make it too easy to follow. While watching you will theorize, guess, and speculate what is to come next and regardless of whether you are right or wrong you will not be disappointed in the outcome.This series is a journey that will make you feel as if you are living the events right alongside the characters. It immerses you in its reality and you become part of the story. Eventually, you will watch Marble Hornets for the first time if you haven't already. Just be prepared to constantly look around the room or out the nearest window as every sound you hear will bring with it that sense of dread that The Operator may be near. And it is only then will you truly experience the magic that is...Marble Hornets.


Only yesterday did I find the you-tube show "Marble Hornets". It was recommended to me by a friend because I love psychological horror and mystery. These two words perfectly describe this show.The show follows Jay, a young man who's best friend encountered a tall, blank faced creature in a business suit by the name of the Operator (or Slender Man) while filming his student film "Marble Hornets". Jay goes through the tapes in an attempt to figure out more about the creature, and is eventually forced to run from the seemingly unstoppable force as he begins to unravel the mystery.Continuity is highly important and very well done in this series. Tiny things in the first few episodes come into play in later episodes. If you are like me and LOVE connecting the dots and consuming every detail, this show rewards your hard work.The acting is a little spotty in season one (Entries 1-26), but does not detract from the story or experience. As season two hits the midpoint, the acting improves, and the story begins to unfold.The shaky hand-held camera quality is really effective in adding to the disturbing atmosphere. The creators do an incredible job of building tension and giving you a sense of dread. I found myself searching every pixel on the screen for a glimpse of Slender Man.One more small thing that I appreciated was the fact that there was close to no profanity, no sexual content, and very little actual gore. By throwing those factors out, the creators took on the challenge of making their series strong with good writing and editing, which really pays off.Overall, this show scared me more than any modern day horror film has, and is highly reminiscent of Christopher Nolan's "Memento". If you want to be scared out of your wits, enjoy playing Sherlock Holmes and solving mysteries, or both, this is a must watch.9/10


There are a ton of low-budget Slender Man films out there (everymanHYBRID, TribeTwelve, and Windigo to name a few) but this one is definitely the most fleshed-out, most interesting, and absolutely the scariest of them all. Marble Hornets handles the character of Slender Man very well, expertly exploiting his 'mysterious figure in the background' status. You will look for him throughout an entire entry, only to find him and realize he was there the entire time. And when you do find him, it is pee-in-your-pants frightening. As another reviewer has stated, this movie is not an "I just jumped out of my seat" movie; it is an "I am frozen in terror" movie. The run time is an impressive figure at over 3 1/2 hours, but, honestly, I didn't notice. I was so absorbed into this movie that those 3 1/2 hours just went by unnoticed. It is very hard to get that effect in a movie of this length. By the way, the movie isn't even finished yet! Part 3 is only half done! I cannot wait for the ending, but I also don't want it to end. Troy, Joseph, congrats on a job well done. But you're not done yet.
