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Xtro 3: Watch the Skies

Xtro 3: Watch the Skies (1995)

November. 14,1995
| Horror Action Science Fiction

Marines on a deserted island are ordered to defuse bombs, but then an alien creature terrorizes them.


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I watched the first Xtro film the first time a while back and it was not anything all that great, but it passed the time and kept me wondering what the heck was going on. It was like if you took the film Alien and threw it in a blender with a bit of E.T. and Poltergeist. Strange, but it was something different. Then I watched the second film, and it made the first seem even better as it was simply Alien as it was just a creature systematically killing the cast as they went through air vents and stuff. Now I have finally watched the final Xtro film and it has less in common with the first film, than did the second! Here, the makers simply did a horrible rip off of Predator with a guy who sounded like Ray Romano as the lead guy and Robert Culp who got his name first on the DVD and had maybe three minutes of screen time.The story, a group of soldiers is assembled so they can head to an island and diffuse bombs. That is what they are told; however, the person in charge has ulterior motives. A strange old man is found, warning them that they are all going to die and after what seems an eternity the alien creature makes its appearance and a really slow mayhem ensues! The soldiers must figure a way off the island before the alien and other forces close in on them and kill them all! Just not a good film to me at all. There was not much gore to speak of in this one, no nudity and the story was slow paced as the running time on this one could have been cut 10 or 15 minutes. There was too much emphasis placed on certain aspects of the story and not enough alien out and killing. The alien uses the same cloaking mechanism as the one from Predator, but it looks like a Grey. The film just did not work in any area as the subtitle was watch the skies, but I was watching the run time and constantly wishing this one were over.


This is a long line of Hollywood Nazi propaganda bombs that are funded by the immensely wealthy Nazi party. Again, all we get are a pitiful excuse to kill as many brunette women as possible. It has become a joke, and would be funny if it weren't for the wackos who think that this makes a film a classic. That makes it dangerous. On the surface, it is about a Roswell type affair, searching for an alien cover up by the government (try to make sense out of that? No, you can't, since the military could ask for billions of dollars more in budget if they could show evidence of aliens, so we have the most ludicrous idea since those idiots who thought Leonardo da Vinci met Jesus Christ and knew his lineage.) But the propaganda, like most Nazi propaganda, is not even subtle. How any person can not see this is beyond comprehension.What is really horrible is that great scripts and ideas are shot down by producers and directors for crap like this.


The basic plot has already been revealed. A bunch of gung-ho soldiers are on a mission on an island and run into some sort of alien creature. So far so good. Might make an entertaining movie.However- all the actors really, _REALLY_ suck. They are type-cast in a way which makes it obvious from the very beginning how they will react to any situation. The next problem is that the plot is as boring and predictable as the actors. Unless you are somewhat challenged you are always at lest two steps ahead of the movie, and nothing will surprise you.Whatever you feel like watching, just ignore this film. It is a complete waste of time.

Movie Nuttball

The first time I saw this film it really scared Me!The alien is very realistic and the scene where the scientist is operating on the alien's mate is disturbing but yet realistic.I don't want to go any more but I'll tell you this that if you like alien,sci-fi and horror films then check it out!
