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Motor Home Massacre

Motor Home Massacre (2005)

August. 04,2005
| Horror Comedy

Seven young friends climb aboard a vintage RV headed for a fun-filled weekend in the woods when they encounter a night vision goggled, machete-wielding psychopath.


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I can't think of one single thing good to say, other than the Wide Angle shot of the Motor Home in front of the house in the very beginning. This film starts out with a very clumsily shot sequence where a girl gets strung up inside her tent and stabbed. We get some really quick cuts, and the motion of the shot is moved around to make it look more violent than it really was. The blood is very pink! Come on it's not that hard to make real looking blood! Look it up on the net, you'll find it! This movie has the most idiotic clichéd characters I have ever witnessed, and I watch A lot of indie horror. I actually prefer it for the most, but this was pure garbage. The soundtrack was bad beyond words and had some terrible music cues! Not quit as bad as Rob Zombie's Halloween but really bad. The Garage band loops get very old, very fast!There is no continuity! Watch the dork guys outfit change in the beginning! As one reviewer posted a low budget is no reason for obvious mistakes like this one! The day for night shots looked really bad. We go from a really dark lit camp scene to a daytime shot with a little blue tint added to it. Shoot closer to dusk or very early morning! Don't shoot in the middle of the day and expect to pull this trick off! Oh my gosh this is bad! I give Kudos for getting the movie made, and out there, but try a little harder next time people! Wow LionsGate! Mr. Jingles last week, and now this crap! Really bad ending as well. Stay away from this at all costs!

Paul Andrews

Motor Home Massacre starts as four friends, Roger (Nelson Bonilla), Lincoln (Todd Herring), Nick (Greg Corbett) & Benji (Justin Geer), climb aboard a big motor home ready for a weekend camping in the wilderness at a place called 'Black Creek Park'. On their way they pick up three girls, Sabrina (Shan Holleman), Brooke (Breanne Ashley) & Faith (Nichole Crisp) to join in the fun, however once there they are confronted with a crime scene as the previous night a double murder took place & the killer hasn't yet been apprehended...Co-edited, photographed, co-written & directed by Allen Wilbanks this is the sort of low budget crap that gives horror, the genre that I love, a bad name. The script is terrible, utterly predictable, totally clichéd, takes itself far too seriously & judging from the title you would expect some sort of slasher with a bunch of teens being killed off in various gory ways but what Motor Home Massacre is in reality is more of a murder mystery & when I use the word mystery I use it in the loosest possible sense because the killers identity is no mystery at all I had guessed it correctly within 25 minutes. This is pretty much amateur hour, everything about Motor Home Massacre sucks, the annoying teen character's are awful as is the lame dialogue, there's hardly any exploitation or horror & it's incredibly slow & boring as well. Motor Home Massacre is the sort of film with stupid character's who just make idiotic decisions & are badly realised, Motor Home Massacre is one of those piece of crap films that is literally painful to sit through. I don't know, I really don't because I've sat through a lot of these worthless zero budget shot on a camcorder glorified home film type things & frankly I'm sick of them, sorry rant over.Director Wilbanks hasn't worked on any other film in any other capacity & it show's, the whole thing is just stupid & moronic. The light levels in the sky change between shots, a single fire wouldn't create that much light on it's own, there are obvious continuity problems, there's no scares, there's no atmosphere & only a few shoddy gore scenes. There's a guy with the skin peeled off his back exposing his spine, someone is stabbed in the stomach, someone is trapped in a tent & stabbed with a spear, there's a severed arm & a rubbishy looking decapitated head. It all looks very poor & cheap though.Technically Motor Home Massacre is basic to say the least, it has not style or visual interest whatsoever. There's nothing here that particularly impresses & it looks every bit like the low budget piece of crap that it is. The rubbishy loud music annoyed me too. The acting is predictably terrible & a certain cast member should have the word 'murderer' tattooed on their forehead they make it so obvious...Motor Home Massacre is crap, it's as simple & straight forward as that & if you can find one single person to say anything good about it I'd be very surprised. I hated it, enough said.


i had high expectations for the movie than what i saw, bad acting, stupid ending, too much sex scenes...if ya want porn rent porn, but i wanted a horror thats why i rented this.also im sick of movies having the redneck character be stupid, filthy, perverted, mean, drunkard etc. im a redneck and i ain't like the ones they portray in movies. towards the end when the killer is hacking at people, it just don't seem real, you can tell the hacking is fake, and then the dude that has his arm cut off and just lays there like its funny? then the killer gets knocked in the head with a heavy frying pan and still stands like it was nothing. tho i did like seeing a bunch of cocky young people get killed, thats always a plus. but yeah with a name like motorhome massacre, yad expect a better movie, the way they're doing remakes, maybe lionsgate can redeem themselves and remake this one. im cool with movies having unknown actors. but god, get some decent ones. the music in the movie was cool tho, so thats good . the sex scenes made me mad cause i don't care for them, but also thats time they could of been spent on showing people get killed and mutilated. all and all tho i liked it, if ya ain't picky about low budget movies then ya oughta see this one.


(SPOILERS) This was so bad that it wasn't even funny. This was such a waste of time. I like to rent bad horror movies, but man. The acting in this movie was so bad, it made me laugh. Not one person in this movie could act . And did you notice how the one teens, Roger, looked like he was 30. It was like a non-talented 90210 teenager. The ending made no sense at all. Good job Allen, for making the biggest piece of crap none to man. You should be ashamed. Here's the premise, teens go into the woods to camp, just as someone was murdered( actually, I have to admit that the murder scene in the beginning was cool) anyway, the killer shows up, kills them, and you find out that the killer all along was the weird girl who liked to talk about killing was the killer, well I didn't see that one coming. Give us credit Allen, we're not retarded.I am now burning this movie from my memory.......... OK done.
