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The Commitment

The Commitment (2004)

July. 13,2004
| Horror

A group of friends from Bangkok decide to visit an abandoned house inhabited by a spirit who has the power to grant wishes, if promised the appropriate offering. With their graduation getting closer and closer, most of them pray for decent grades, but one of them, a skeptical girl called Moss, makes a mocking pledge that she will do anything in return for the satisfaction of her friend's desires. while their friends are careful to make sure they provide the promised offerings as their wishes are fulfilled, Muay, Pin, and Moss are not so diligent. Before long all three are subjected to a series of bloody manifestations, courtesy of an angry and vengeful spirit determined to collect what is owed.


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Michael Ledo

A group of young Thai girls go to a spirit shrine by an abandoned home, one with a past. They light their sticks, make a wish, and then promise a sacrifice if they get their wish, such as shaving their head, or 100 hard boiled eggs. The ghost makes scary cameo appearances to make sure she gets her stuff. One girl doesn't anti-up and it causes issues for her.Ho-Hum ghost story. Has some "scary" parts but for most of the feature I was bored.Parental Guide: No F words, sex, or nudity. English subtitles


Getting set for the October Horror Challenge I mentioned to my dad about gathering up flicks to watch for the event.As I started to roughly plan my viewings,my dad revealed that he had recently picked up an interesting looking Thai Horror,which led to me committing to the commitment.The plot:After finishing high school,a group of girl pals decide to visit the shrine,which is reported to be watched by a ghost.Instead of going for their first beer,the girls decide to celebrate their graduation by making wishes around the shrine. As the girls leave,the ghost appears and makes a wish for her own new friends. View on the film:Shot on grainy digital video,co-writer/(along with Lunchana Sartun & Chaowalek Sragtook) director Montri Kong-Im uses the rough edges of the format to his advantage,as the grit gives the title a gritty, eerie edge.Working on a low budget, Kong-Im commits himself to finding some spaces for a creepy style, weaved from the unsettling stop/start movement of the ghost's hair wrapping itself round a victim,to quick-fire edits digging into the bloody veins of the ghost's wish. Scrolling into the house with the girls,the writers give the title a body count Slasher shot,with the ghost taking her victims one by one. Aiming for some level of psychological terror between the girls and the ghost,the writers disappointingly dry the intriguing roots up by failing to give any of the victims unique character moments,as the ghost Thai's her victims.


I am not much of a critic....but i bought this DVD at best buy and failed to watch it....it sat in the wrapper for months before i decided i ought to open it and watch it (I bought it cause it was Asian, not because i heard great things nor wanted to buy it) I watched it today and to be honest, i sorta liked it.I liked how it incoporated the Thai culture into the movie line. I hadnt known about shrines and such before watching this movie. Showed me that the Thai community is very much into their religious beliefs....But overall, the movie wasn't the greatest...the directing was beautiful, it had some really eerie camera positions that made the movie scary....I would recommend for someone to watch just because I thought "Moss" was really badass and cool and fun to watch....


A group of friends go to a place known as "the house of the spirits" where is said that if you make a wish and offer something good enough in exchange for the wish, it'll come true. After being there, everything seems to go fine for the girls as they wishes come true, but the things start getting wrong when some of them don't carry on the promises.This movie, is a perfect example of the typical Thai horror films, which have more in common with the occidental teenage horror flicks than with the Asian horror movies. Of course, not all Thai horror films are so bad, there are a few exceptions like "Shutter", but in general they are...In this case, there is almost nothing to save, the acting is quite bad, the story poor and predictable, some of the supposedly scary moments are hilarious (specially the two "hair attacks") and the final is....Also, there is one homage to Psycho and another one to One Missed Call that defines perfectly how bad is the movie.
