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The Hidden II

The Hidden II (1993)

September. 06,1993
| Horror Crime Science Fiction

The alien criminal from the first movie is dead, but he left a few eggs which are hatching now. The good alien, who still inhabits Tom Beck's body, has been waiting just in case this happened. Unfortunately, his presence in the body has taken a terrible toll on it, draining it of life energy. Additionally relations with Beck's daughter Juliet (now a cop) have deteriorated. But when the killing starts again, they will need to work together to stop the new generation of aliens.


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Why? The first film I gave an 8 but this movie is just appalling. Using footage from the original - stupid. It just shows how bad the rest of the film is. Acting goes from completely dismal to barely OK. The effects (while there is more than the first) are mostly cheesy and crappy.This film is one of the worst sequels I've ever seen. Nothing new, nothing unique, nothing is what it all amounts to. Watch the first one or most sci-fi in general before this pile.I gave it a 2 because there was some merit in certain scenes (even though I'd be hard pressed to point them out).I try to be open minded and forgiving when I review but this movie forced me to be negative. Avoid.


The first ten minutes of this film are great ... but most people who are watching this sequel will quickly notice that it's just footage from the first film which starred Kyle MacLachlan. Kyle's character, a good alien, kills off one of the bad aliens but not before it spawns. Time passes and another good alien teams up with the daughter of the star from the first flic.What results is a film with little intrigue and no new concepts. They could have provided more insights into the alien races or maybe showcased some cooler alien powers or forms. The anticlamatic ending will leave many wondering why?2/10 -- no Kyle, no story, no suspense


This is a very involving sequel, and was much better than I was expecting. It's a scary rollercoaster ride with involving characters, and an inventive plot. The acting was good. The characters and situations were quirky, scary, and surprising in its twists and turns. I generally don't like sequels, but this one was the exception to the rule... I give it two thumbs up.


This is a scary sequel that exceeded all my expectations. It's a scary romp. The acting is good, as are the special effects. The story is unusual and the frights are balanced out by some good tongue in cheek humor.
