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The Corpse Grinders 2

The Corpse Grinders 2 (2000)

December. 15,2000
| Horror Science Fiction

A campy low-budget sequel to 1971's cult classic gore-fest with an interplanetary sub-plot grafted on. The giant flesh-mangling meat grinder in the basement of the Lotus Cat Food Company is back in business under new management. And this time the popular "food for cats who like people" has drawn the attention of an alien race of intelligent felines from the planet Ceta. The Cetans' food supply has been destroyed in their interplanetary war with dog-headed dinosaurs. With help from the U.S. government's "men in black" the cat queen, Felina, negotiates a mega-deal with the Lotus Company to supply her planet with food. This sudden increase in orders has the new owners scrambling for fresh - and not-so-fresh- human flesh to meet the growing demand.


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Corpse Grinders 2, The (2000) * (out of 4) If you watch the making of featurette to the original 1971 film director Ted V. Mikels says that the movie made over $190,000 in one city in just one week. I don't doubt this claim but I do wonder why he'd wait thirty-years before releasing a sequel because there's very little doubt that anyone in 2000 was wanting such a film. The "sequel" is pretty much just a remake with added pieces of other stories thrown in. The nephews of the men from the first film are back in business and uses corpses to make their cat food. The cats eat this junk and eventually start attacking their owners. The "new" story added here is a battle in outer space where cat people are being overtaken by dog people so the cats must come to Earth and try to find cat food that their planet can survive on. Yeah, that pretty much sums up THE CORPSE GRINDERS 2 and the end results aren't nearly as good as one would hope but then again it's doubtful too many had high hopes considering how long it took this movie to come out. From what I've read about Mikels he seems like a wonderful guy and what interviews I've seen it appears he's a wonderful man who loves to make movies. Perhaps that's why he decided to revisit the original film all these years later as two years later he'd also make a sequel to his film THE ASTRO-ZOMBIES. I'm guessing Mikels love of making movies is the main reason this sucker here clocks in at 100-minutes, which is at least half an hour too long. At least the original movie ran under 75-minutes but this thing here just keeps going and going with new subplots coming up every few scenes. The "remake" portion of the film isn't too bad as the idea of humans being used as cat food is rather funny and fans of the original film will probably enjoy seeing the director's new version of scenes. The problem is with everything else as there's way too much useless story including everything going on between the two owners and their ways of getting the corpses. The performances are all rather bland as you'd expect but we do get to see Dolores Fuller in a few scenes selling the cat food. She wrote songs for Elvis but she's best remembered for being Ed Wood's girlfriend and appearing in his films like GLEN OR GLENDA? and BRIDE OF THE MONSTER. She certainly doesn't do anything ground-breaking here but it's nice seeing her. It's doubtful too many people outside of those who want to explore Mikels' filmmography are going to view this thing and that's probably good. It's certainly a very bad movie but at least the director holds everything together and makes something comprehensible.


Ted V. Mikels used to make films. I'll go as far as to say great films, for what they were. Somewhere along the line he forgot how to and he decided to make this home video which he mistakenly believes to be a "movie". Please avoid this at all costs, and speaking of costs...if you can't afford to shoot on film Mr. Mikels, don't bother at all. - EDDIE WRETCH


This movie is AWESOME. I watched it the other day with my cousin Jay-Jay. He said it was alright, but i think it RULEZZZ! I mean, it's so cool. Ted V. Mikels is so brave and smart. He made a movie totally unlike those terrible Hollywood films, like the Matrix and STop or my Mom will Shoot. It could have been better, though. I like ninjas and pirates. I also like that big talon that the funny man wears. I think he's the coolest guy since that Domino Pizza claymation guy. Not only does this movie look really cool, like those out-of-focus movies my dad made of my birthday when I turned 6. BUt it tells a complex tale with dozens of characters that seem to be totally unrelated, but they all meet up in the end. It's genius how this web is woven to make everything meet up. I wish Ted V. Mikels would make a sequel. But it needs more aliens. And a pirate.


Once again Ted V Mikels delivers the goods, an absolute pleasure to watch Corpse Grinders 2. I saw the Original Corpse Grinders as a kid,and was blown away by it, I then sought out other TVM titles,.... eventually many years later I managed to see CORPSE GRINDERS 2, and WOW what fun.Forget the run of the mill SCREAM et al modern "horror" crap, what you have here is a Movie that brings back ENJOYMENT to your living room. AMAZING plot, how anyone can think of it all is beyond me, if you liked the first see the 2nd. Its sure to AMAZE! AAA+++
