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Daddy's Girl

Daddy's Girl (1996)

December. 23,1996
| Drama Horror Thriller

A girl's bright smile masks a psychopathic soul that will eliminate anyone who comes between her and her doting father.


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Johan Louwet

No this isn't a clone or spin off from The Bad Seed. While Rhoda from the Bad Seed was born evil, Jody became evil because she was traumatized for something that her mother did to her father when she was only 6 years old. With her biological mother taking her biological father away from her she developed some kind of hatred towards mother figures and an obsession with the father figure. But when she is adopted for the second time (by the Mitchells) her urge to kill expands to anyone trying to keep her away from her daddy (Don). The way how she does it is pretty clever biding her time and making sure she isn't caught. She also knows pretty well how to lie and that no one is suspecting her. The only ones not really falling for her innocence are classmate Claire Landers and her cousin Karen Conners. Karen is the one going on investigation and finding out the truth about Jodie. I really liked the movie even though the ending was quite abrupt.


Ever since "The Bad Seed" shocked and horrified audiences in the late 1950s', someone, at least once a decade, has attempted to recreate it's murderous mayhem. This was the '90s entry into the race, and it's a pitiful one. I don't get the "R" rating at all. This movie could fit comfortably on Lifetime Movie Network as it is. I suppose I should get to the plot. Well...there's this girl...who loves her adopted Father...a little too much...will kill anyone who tries to tear them apart...and that's about it. While it's professionally directed to look like a TV movie of the week, everything else (the acting, the writing, the atmosphere) is tone deaf and laughable. The guys at RiffTrax could do wonders with this.


I heard about this film not long after the 1992 psychotic child killer Mikey! Which this film had a couple of similarities to. After viewing a trailer this film looked good, I wasn't expecting anything but the trailer (as they do) looked good & I though the film was going to be equally as great. The film wasn't as good, but it was OK & wasn't that bad. The main problem with the film is the body count, only 4 people got killed off in the space of an hour & a half! That would be murder for the Friday 13th films or the Scream films especially! The deaths themselves were OK, nothing I haven't seen before, hospital suffocation, bludgeoning, stabbing etc. But they were decent enough to cause a dark, unsettling & disturbing vibe like Mikey did! The film had some unpredictable moments in it like when she think she killed her Gran or near the end where she thought her foster mum was dead.The story for the film is about a 10 year old red head named Jodie. A girl whose been passed on from foster family to foster family. She grows attached to her father in the film & gets so attached, that she can't even bare to think of them both being separated & stops at nothing to make sure no one comes get between them & kills anyone who dares to part them both!Although the film did lack blood quite a lot in the film it wasn't all that bad, the kills weren't bloody enough for my standards! I like my films to be Gory, but this film wasn't bad for deaths at all!The ending of the film was quite surprising & very good! I like how Jodie screwed up & the father finds out what Jodie actually is like & disowns her while she sobs! Although I would've wanted to see her get taken away & locked up the ending pretty much seemed to tie up & wasn't like those clichéd endings where the killer gets away with it! This ending was satisfying & didn't disappoint!I overall found the film to be OK, not great, but OK. The film lacked the body count which was 4, not so good & too spaced out for my tastes as I like my films fast paced & meaty! 6/10


I love thrillers anyway and can usually be found surfing the dial for something dark and creepy to watch. But what's so weird about this flick is it's all shot in daylight. Everything is white and shining and happy. It's like a Disney flick. The people even talk like it's a TV movie. But then the little girl is offing people. It's very twisted. I Dig where the little girl's coming from. I think I was routing for her! Actually I think she's the one we're supposed to route for. I like flickers that make oddball choices, so I enjoyed it. Check it
