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Nightmare Weekend

Nightmare Weekend (1986)

May. 12,1986
| Horror Science Fiction

A female scientist performs experiments on three college girls that turn them into drooling, murderous mutants.


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There are no words to explain how bad NIGHTMARE WEEKEND is. It simply defies description. Something about a computer that can change personal objects into silver balls that enter the victims' mouth, which kills them or turns them into zombies. The whole thing is so wonky that it's stunning. There's also a girl with personal computer in her room and the computer talks via a hand puppet!!!!!!!! I'm not making this stuff up. The computer also controls things like cars, even though there's nothing linking the computer with the vehicle.The "film" is total trash. Surreal bad trash. Spectacularly, one-of-a-kind bad trash. There's a lot of sex scenes thrown here and there, which aren't very hot or erotic. There's even one scene where a woman seemingly makes love or wants to French kiss a tarantula, which had me rolling on the floor.Definitely one of the worst movies ever made. Up there with the equally wretched direct-to-home video BOARDINGHOUSE, or BOOGEYMAN II (both NIGHTMARE WEEKEND and BOOGEYMAN II have scenes with a killer toothbrush!). At least it's fun to watch it and try to make sense of whatever is going on.


More amazing trash from Troma, this has the best editing I've ever seen for a movie. Literally 3 seconds can't pass before a scene cuts to another scene... it's like the worst of Michael Bay meets a million MTV videos on fast forward. It's a pretty decent flick notwithstanding the fact that all the cuts give me the worst headache of all time. This film does not really have a story, so I won't even go into that. Nor will I go into the fact that the movie starts with a really cool, gory opening and then just goes downhill from there, being awash in mediocrity and senseless crap.Like almost every Troma movie, though, there is a logical reason for its existence: Highlights include the scene where a guy has sex with a girl on a pinball table in front of a ton of people, a talking computer thing, and... oh yeah... THE ZOMBIES. This flick has a pinball that shoots in people's mouths and turns them into zombies. However, the zombies are just the regular actors with NO DIFFERENCE (except maybe a bit paler, probably thanks to some foundation or something)... NO DIFFERENCE. You just kind of guess that they're zombies because the back of the box says that they are. The ending of this film is absolutely atrocious, and the film itself just manages to be nearly unwatchable. So, all in all, I like it, and you should too. Though it is pretty much the crappiest movie of all time.And if all that's not enough, a pair of panties kills someone.


I agree with those reviews I have read here, and I have no words to define such a turkey like this, but despite everything, I still can find a reason for movies like this to exist. Do you remenber those happy days in which video was a prosperous business, and a lot of movies were made with the only reason of filling the shelves of the video stores? this movie comes from that period and I can imagine that was the only reason for which it was produced and the same happened with many, many, many other stinkers. Do you remember "Rambo" imitations? and so many slashers of Z grade?, I still feel nostalgia for that period.About this movie I can say I didn´t waste my time watching it because I pressed the fast forward button after the first fifteen minutes, just to find a very funny scene in which a guy was pushing an axe against heads which exploded because, as you perfectly notice, they were made of plastic. And about the end, well, it was so badly filmed I could not understand what happened. That´s the same, I had not followed the non-existing plot at all. But boy, Video-age was a great age despite movies like this.

Michael DeZubiria

Nightmare Weekend stars a cast of ridiculous actors with even less of an idea of what is going on than the director had, if you can imagine that. There is no decipherable plot or story, the special effects are a joke, and even the sound is terrible. This film was directed by Henry Sala. It was the only film that he ever directed, and the reason is obvious.
