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Wide Sargasso Sea

Wide Sargasso Sea (1993)

April. 16,1993
| Drama Thriller Romance

In the wake of Jamaican emancipation, French colonist Annette Cosway falls into poverty and marries racist Englishman Paul Mason. But when Annette's young son dies in a fire started by former slaves, Mason flees to England, leaving his grief-stricken wife and her Creole daughter Antoinette behind. Soon Antoinette learns she must marry to claim her inheritance and sets her sights on Rochester, an Englishman eerily similar to Mason.


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I couldn't quite bring myself to give this film a "watch" recommendation. It fell just short, in my opinion, of a good film. Oh, it had promise. There could have been a lot more done to make this film interesting. As it was, it seemed to always be missing something.Now, I understand Jane Eyre fans know all about Edward Rochester (Nathaniel Parker) and the "mad women who lives in the attic" (Karina Lombard as Antoinette Cosway). But, not having read the books, I have to rely on the movie to tell the story. In that it fails.There are just too many unanswered questions and the ending was most unsatisfying. Maybe I could go read Jane Eye and come back, but I doubt I will.


I think reading the book helps the viewer appreciate the movie. The movie is a pretty faithful adaptation to the novel. The movie tells the story of the crazy wife in the attic in Jane Eyre. Not only does it tell her story, but it gives an entirely believable explanation for her insanity. Not only is the scenery beautiful, but the story is as well. Set in Jamaica during colonial times, we see a young woman grow up in a unique society. It is easy to sympathize with the multi-layered characters. Karina Lombard is a great choice to play Antoinette. There isn't that much to the story, at least not in the way of events. The story is deep, though. It's definitely worth a watch, and if you can spare an afternoon, read the book- it's very short.


Man, this was a weird one. i appreciated the location shots and thanked god this wasn't shot on a sound stage somewhere in London. still, a confused piece of work that leaves many unanswered questions. the idea is that Jamaica, like the emblematic Sargosso sea, will tangle you up and pull you into it. and it's true: once there europeans lose themselves in the foreign culture, the exotic landscape and in taboo love.still, something was missing from the mix. the fact that the film only exists to fill in a few gaps from Jane Eyre (explaining where one character came from) explains a lot. the author would have done better by making a stand-alone film.Lombard is great in her role which is quite difficult to pull off. a creole french woman seduced by voodoo is a tough one to pull off without looking ridiculous, but she manages it quite well.


I enjoyed watching this film. The main actress of the movie is hot. She is sexually attractive and gorgeous. She is one of the most beautiful women I saw. I wish I will afford to buy a copy of this fascinating movie.
